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Compatibility with Taurus in love, life, sex, communication, friendship and trust

Cosmic Compatibilities

Aries Compatibility

Taurus Compatibility

Gemini Compatibility

Cancer Compatibility

Leo Compatibility

Virgo Compatibility

Libra Compatibility

Scorpio Compatibility

Sagittarius Compatibility

Capricorn Compatibility

Aquarius Compatibility

Pisces Compatibility

Taurus and Aries
Taurus and Taurus
Taurus and Gemini
Taurus and Cancer
Taurus and Leo
Taurus and Virgo
Taurus and Libra
Taurus and Scorpio
Taurus and Sagittarius
Taurus and Capricorn
Taurus and Aquarius
Taurus and Pisces

Taurus and Aries

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 65%

The fact that Aries is ruled by Mars and Taurus by Venus immediately shows us how sexual these signs are. Both planets are related to physical relationships, but their biggest difference is their end goal when it comes to sex.

Aries, in its raw form, is guided by simple instinct, the need for the perpetuation of the species and the transfer of genetic material to the next generation. On the other hand, Taurus only thinks about satisfaction. They don't even consider orgasm a major problem if they take pleasure throughout the sexual experience. To satisfy Taurus, you need to be emotionally involved, be gentle and passionate at the same time, and be willing to put time and effort into the art of sex. Aries representatives are usually happy to have sex. This applies to both male and female representatives of this sign.

For their mutual satisfaction, it is imperative that Aries develops an atypical sense of touch and works on his sensuality in order to make his Taurus happy. Let's also not forget that Taurus is a fixed sign, quite set in its ways, and that when it comes to sexual satisfaction, it is rare for them to compromise and settle for less than perfection.

Trust: 85%

These two signs have the ability to form a stable and honest relationship. None of them are eccentric or shy away from a good challenge. This can contribute to a positive attitude and open agreements about honesty when together. They both need to look for true love, as Mars and Venus always do. This can lead to infidelity and typical love triangle problems, due to Aries' lack of emotion or Taurus partner's lack of self-esteem. However, if they communicate well from the start, they will realize the importance of mutual trust for both of them and will work hard not to compromise it.

Communication and intelligence: 40%

It's pretty obvious that both Aries and Taurus have horns. This is an image that you should definitely keep in mind when analyzing their communication skills. Not only are they both stubborn, they're not even stubborn in the same way to share some understanding.

Aries takes hold of their convictions and never lets them go. They will kick and scream (literally) until they convince Taurus that they are right about something (consider it the smallest thing in the entire universe). When Taurus notices this behavior from Aries, he withdraws. They don't move. Never. They don't even have the sense of sound. You can almost expect a deep-voiced โ€œmooโ€ as they become more and more irritated. Their shoulders lift, their eyebrows make an "M" and they just stand there, annoying their Aries partner even more.

Who can be so inhuman as to stand there and not listen to a word that their loved one says in such a high pitched tone? Taurus can. Not because of anger, but because they are actually too sensitive to put up with this kind of behavior. Taurus never seems too sensitive. Their Venus role is grounded and strong, but it is a sign in which the Moon is exalted, Uranus falls, and Mars is in detriment. You can imagine how this person may react to shouting and aggression of all kinds.

Their intellect is not a problem at all. If they can make their way through these bitter conflicts, it doesn't matter how smart or stupid they are, because they must love each other very much.

The cure for this condition lies in the middle, of course. Taurus needs to set strong boundaries and act safely from the safe zone they've created and Aries needs to step back and lower their voice, just a little. That would be a good starting point.

Emotions: 60%

Both of these signs are very emotional, but they don't show it in the same way. Presumably, even if they love each other, it will be difficult for them to know that they are loved. Although some rituals can be taught over time, this is not a solution if they do not feel enough closeness.

Aries show their emotions loudly and openly, in a way that is somehow rough and inpatient. They don't leave much time for the other person to give emotion in return, and act like Fire, their element, without much meaning to anyone. Taurus may find this superficial, too intense, or even fake, because they don't recognize this type of behavior as love. Taurus shows their emotions in a silent, slow process of giving. They will show their love through cooking, touch and sweet words. The problem is that Aries finds it boring, rigid, or even wrong.

For the other to feel loved, they will both need to learn to show affection to their partner in a way that is very different from their natural way. It can be a small or a big obstacle and the outcome depends only on their willingness to listen to the needs of their loved one.

Values: 90%

This is one area where they match up quite well. Although they look completely different, their main goals are pretty much the same. They both value material security, since Aries is ruled by Mars, a planet linked to the fear of existential crisis, and Taurus is an Earth sign, material in its essence and very inclined to the financial world. They both cherish character and strength, physical and verbal, and need a person who will not disappoint them when the first impression fades.

Shared activities: 40%

Aries and Taurus really want completely different things. While Aries is active, ready to run, workout and needs to use their energy through any sort of physical activity, Taurus needs to rest and gather their energy almost all the time. Even if they go for coffee together, chances are the Aries partner will finish theirs and get bored after 20 minutes, while the Taurus partner will sip their coffee savoring it and then order cake. The only activity they would both really enjoy is a walk in a park or some other slow outdoor activity to reconnect with nature.

Summary: 63%

This is a relationship full of personal challenges and individual depth. If they want to succeed as a couple, there are many internal issues that need to be resolved. Only if they can both make peace in their lives, have just enough education, just enough other relationships, and acquire just enough humor, can they perhaps put put aside their differences and listen to each other sufficiently. It's not that difficult, except when you're used to using your horns.

Taurus and Taurus

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 95%

When two Taurus partners unite, the world ceases to exist as they previously knew it. They discover a sexual pleasure that they have never had the opportunity to experience, because they perfectly understand their mutual need to touch and stimulate all the senses. The Taurus sign is the most sensual sign in the entire zodiac, that is, when they are not too lazy to discover their sexuality. If they do not lack a primary sexual drive, they will probably build a strong and gentle sexual relationship, in which both have their needs met.

The problem they might encounter is the possibility that none of them have enough initiative. Yet, they are usually stubborn enough to overcome this small obstacle. Since they share sexual fantasies and ideas about intimacy, with enough openness and communication, they should be able to overcome any obstacles they encounter. As long as you don't persist in waiting for the other to take the first step. This could keep them both waiting forever.

Trust: 75%

The problem with their trust issues lies not in the trust itself, but rather in their inability to change. If either partner has a history of unhealthy relationships in which they were disappointed and let down, it will be very difficult for them to rebuild trust with their current partner. They can both understand the importance of honesty, but are often too afraid to open up and let someone delve into their true emotional world. This can lead to ridiculous assumptions about each other's behavior and questioning every word each other says.

They have the best chance of forming a relationship based on trust if they haven't had much experience before meeting. This will give them enough flexibility to establish a good foundation and respect each other's need for privacy without taking it as a deception.

Communication and intelligence: 50%

Although these partners share so many interests and have a similar way of operating, when they stick to their beliefs, they rarely decide to let them go, even for a second. After all, they both have horns and a tendency to cross them whenever one of them strays from the normal course of things.

It's not easy for Taurus to accept change, so when one of them is on the cusp of a big change, they could easily find themselves in an argument. The partner who is stuck in one place has a hard time understanding why things couldn't stay the same, forever. It will be very difficult to explain to them the pressure that the person making a change must have initially felt to understand that the change is necessary.

They can be stubborn and closed off to any form of emotional contact, especially when they are angry or someone hurts them. This is the main reason why their communication is not always very good, because they both have difficulty opening up and living in the moment, without being afraid of being hurt. The problem here is not the fear itself, other signs can feel it too, but the lack of awareness that this fear even exists. They should practice intimacy and tell each other embarrassing things and emotional issues that they wouldn't share with anyone else, in order to establish sufficient trust and make room for meaningful dialogue.

Emotions: 99%

The sign of Taurus is an Earth sign in which the Moon, the ruler of all our emotions, is exalted. The sign itself is ruled by Venus, which informs us of its balance and contribution to the material manifestation of all emotions originating from the Moon. It is an endless circle, like an Earth system that is encircled by the Moon, over and over again, month after month. There is a fixed, unchanging nature to this movement and it is something that the Taurus sign experiences and feels every day.

When two Taurus partners meet and neither of them has a closed heart, there is a deep emotional understanding that they can share. This can be very rewarding for both, as they can sense their partner's needs and be able to care for each other, while enjoying the fact that this time they are also being cared for .

Values: 95%

It's a funny thing to talk about the value system when talking about Taurus. It is a sign which represents all values โ€‹โ€‹and which holds within itself the price of everything that exists in this world. What a Taurus partner appreciates is, above all, a person's respect for the value itself. Whether it is the financial value of an object in their environment or the value of being loved, awareness of this value is something they consider imperative for their partner.

Two Taureans in a relationship place values โ€‹โ€‹together and conflict can only arise if they place different values โ€‹โ€‹on different things. However, in most cases, they will give each other enough space to come up with an individual list of priorities and find a compromise if certain things are more valuable to one person than the other.

Shared activities: 99%

Not only will they eat and sleep together, but they will also feel great joy at finally having someone to do these things with, without feeling guilty. The main problem here is that they could easily neglect their physical body's needs for a healthy lifestyle and activity. It takes a lot of self-control to keep them together and not become overweight or just too lazy.

Summary: 86%

The relationship between two Taurus representatives is something to cherish and hold, only if they are both not too stubborn in their intention to wait for the other person to make the first move. Due to their emotional and sensual nature, they can be very attentive to each other's needs and care for each other when necessary. Their problem usually only manifests itself through the double pair of horns, causing them to delve too deeply into their differences for no apparent reason. If they could open up to each other, and their mutual need for change, it's a relationship that both would find extraordinary.

Taurus and Gemini

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 5%

Taurus is a sensual Earth sign that has a deep need for physical contact and joy from all the senses of the body. Geminis need intellectual stimulation and don't care so much about spending time in someone's arms. It's not like they don't need to be touched, we all do, but they need to know that they are loved and accepted in so many different ways and touch is just the one of them. After all, they are one of the air signs and in their world thoughts must be preoccupied, while strong communication is something that gives the possibility of a good sex life.

While Taurus might stay at home, in bed, all day, cuddling his beloved and ordering food, Gemini would love to go out and be intimate in all the not-so-intimate places. Their sex life could become the source of most of their problems, as soon as Gemini gets bored or Taurus gets annoyed by the lack of emotional essence.

Trust: 10%

Trust can be a real issue for this couple. Not all Geminis are trustworthy when someone tries to tie them down. Taurus, in most cases, lives for the day when he will be linked to someone simultaneously. If they don't start their relationship on a clear and sincere basis, where the first thing they learn about each other is the level of commitment each of them wants, a real trust issue will arise. easily.

The Gemini partner will begin to think of excuses to evade any obligations imposed on them by Taurus, just to avoid hurting them. In response, Taurus will sense that something is wrong and begin to obsess over their partner's behavior and the things they say. This can go as far as absolute distrust between them, especially if Taurus gets really angry and becomes "vindictive" in his usual passive and stubborn way.

Gemini's intentions are often misinterpreted here and this can lead to a number of subsequent situations that will hurt them both. It is very important that they discuss in detail what they both want as their relationship develops. This way, they will be able to avoid misunderstandings that could lead to an irreparable lack of trust.

Communication and intelligence: 60%

Taurus is a sign that precedes Gemini. In the astrological sense, this means that the sign of Gemini would not exist if Taurus were not there. In fact, this means that Gemini's partner wouldn't do much if their physical needs weren't met. This is where their relationship has a strong connection, as the Gemini partner might need someone like Taurus to take care of their body and their needs.

It's very easy for an air sign like Gemini to forget to eat breakfast or get a few hours of sleep each night. There are so many interesting things in the world that they just don't want to miss. The Taurus partner could cook a healthy meal, take care of their finances, and insist on a daily schedule that would give their Gemini a good energetic foundation to invest in their ideas.

In general, their interests are not that similar, but they can find a way to communicate, because neither of them lacks gentleness and ease with words. If the Gemini partner decides to slow down a bit and the Taurus opens up, they might even discover that it's possible for them to have fun together. After all, they are ruled by Venus and Mercury, two inner planets which, when combined, are responsible for fun, sweet words and the art of conversation.

Emotions: 35%

They are unlikely to share their emotions easily and appreciate each other as they would with other representatives of the zodiac. Yet Taurus has a soft side that can melt even the coldest of hearts. In most cases, their best chance of having a romantic relationship lies in the love that Taurus feels. We wouldn't say that Gemini is callous or unemotional, but they certainly have a different approach to their emotional nature than the Earth sign of Taurus, which exalts the Moon.

When Taurus falls in love with a Gemini, he will do anything to understand his nature. There is nothing that Taurus's gentle nature cannot understand, even if it is different from his personal primitive character. When Gemini feels this deep, stable understanding, they may respond in a warm, childlike way, learning that they can be free even when in love with someone like Taurus.

Values: 1%

While Taurus values โ€‹โ€‹the Earth, the material world, its emotions and what is stable in its life, Gemini values โ€‹โ€‹the Universe, the world of ideas, its rational mind and change. This is where their differences and elemental natures diverge sharply. They must really work to accept the true value of their two worlds in order to iron out their differences.

Shared activities: 25%

They might find activities to enjoy together, but not at the same pace. Gemini likes things to be quick, yet exciting, and Taurus would like to examine everything from start to finish, fix the value of each activity and decide carefully whether he wants to repeat it or not. This will drive their Gemini crazy. It's best for both of them to walk, a lot, as this can keep Gemini grounded, while Taurus always needs movement so as not to end up in a static, inert, horizontal state. They might connect their passionate natures through some kind of art, especially if they can find a way to create something together. With Gemini's ideas and Taurus' practicality, combined with their need for beauty, this should be a true work of art.

Summary: 23%

The relationship between Taurus and Gemini is not very promising at first. Yet the fixed quality of the Taurus sign can give them enough stamina and persistence to last in their intention to be with a Gemini, long enough for them to really get to know each other well. Although their chances of reconciling their differences are slim, if the Taurus partner puts their heart into it, they might succeed in becoming the most important part of Gemini's life, their foundation and dependability in everything they do. If they completely accept each other, Taurus will offer Gemini their connection to planet Earth, their bodies, and their daily routine, giving them the foundation for health and normal functioning. In return, Gemini will give their Taurus wings and, better yet, teach them to fly.

Taurus and Cancer

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 95%

You might think that Taurus and Cancer are two of the most sexless signs in the entire zodiac. This is an instinctive assumption based on the fact that both signs don't care much for Mars, which means they don't care about instinctual sex. They would probably never have the urge to have sex just for fun, but that in no way means they are asexual.

Taurus is the sign of physical pleasure. Ruled by Venus, the planet of female sexuality, Taurus must approach his sexual experiences with the same care he would approach anything else in his life. He must see, touch, smell, feel everything that is on his partner's body and take pleasure in satisfying him. With Cancer's need for closeness and lack of ability to make their sex life light and carefree, Taurus seems to have the perfect touch to relax them and build trust in their sexual relationship.

The lack of Mars comes with a lack of initiative, and that could be their problem when it comes to sex. If they both don't have a sex drive stronger than their love for food, they might end up in a sexless relationship, where they stay home, cook, eat, and gain weight all day long.

Trust: 99%

When Taurus and Cancer fall in love with each other, they base their entire relationship on how their partner feels. There's not much that can be hidden from this sensitivity, this "sixth" sense that these two can share when connected. It would take a lot to break their trust and it would definitely mean the end of their relationship. In most situations, neither of them needs to betray their partner, because their goal is the same: love, family and home.

Communication and intelligence: 80%

They share a lot of different interests and talk easily about their relationship. Neither of these signs speaks much, but they are perfectly capable of understanding each other's silence and give great importance to each word. The topics they discuss most often are love, home and children, except when they don't feel ready or when they are too young. It is important to understand that these are not the only issues that concern them. Whatever their current interests, they will communicate them in a slow and sensitive manner, leading the conversation to a point of deep mutual understanding.

However, Taurus can be very stubborn at times. It doesn't matter if they are right or not, because they simply close themselves off from further conversation as soon as one of their true beliefs is touched. Cancer can't really do much in this case. They can try to be even more gentle and compassionate. If they are close to enlightenment, it will definitely work. Otherwise, they will become very emotional and discover that their Taurus partner is actually driving them crazy. As a result, Taurus will see his partner as a real fool, waving his hands for no reason and showing no rational behavior.

Emotions: 99%

Taurus and Cancer are the rulers of the whole warm and earthy emotional world. This is not only due to their sensitivity, but the combination of their emotional expression is something almost unimaginable. While Cancer feels, senses, and cares for their Taurus partner in the emotional realm, Taurus will return their love through physical tenderness, material security, and the gentle touch of practicality that Cancer needs. When this cycle repeats itself several times, their love feels like a chain reaction that will never stop growing.

If they meet in favorable circumstances, when they don't need to fight for each other or for the possibility of their love, each emotion should simply add to the previous one and things between them should work out. unfold without problem. But if they hit any obstacle, before their love develops, they will likely become discouraged and never discover what they might have felt if only they had fought for each other. If they fall in love, they will have no shortage of energy to fight for their relationship, regardless of the obstacles.

Values: 80%

Above all, they both value life and peace. As the Moon is the ruler of the sign Cancer and is exalted in Taurus, they both deeply appreciate all that it represents: family, compassion, understanding and bliss.

However, there may be some divergence in their view of the material world. Cancer is a Water sign, much more focused on the value of emotions, while Taurus will be focused on financial security. This usually reflects the fear Taurus feels when it comes to questioning their material existence. To Cancer's eyes, this may seem superficial, as they tend to view material reality idealistically. If they have a family together, these issues should work themselves out, because the Cancer partner's love for their children, combined with their desire to give them everything they need, easily changes their perspective and teaches them the true value of money.

Shared activities: 90%

You could say they share every activity they can think of, but that's not what we often call an "activity." Most of the time, and especially if they both have demanding jobs, they will simply share the activity of sleeping, eating, or doing nothing. It is not a question of laziness, but rather of an exaggerated need for the pleasure of rest. When shared, it seems to multiply and grow beyond their rational minds.

Summary: 91%

Taurus and Cancer are the sweetest couple in the zodiac. When they fall in love, they rarely find a reason to separate, due to their shared emotional goals of love, understanding, family, and a sense of belonging. It's the relationship that seems to be a perpetual love motive, in case both partners don't already have too much emotional baggage that makes them incapable of giving and receiving that depth of emotion. Even if this is the case, without obstacles in the way, they will likely learn to forgive and forget as the flow of their relationship leads them to what they have always desired.

Taurus and Leo

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 50%

The sexual relationship between a Taurus and a Leo can be somewhat exhausting for both. This is mainly because they can both be lazy. While Taurus likes to lie down and enjoy being loved, Leo likes to lie down and be served and taken care of. It is in the nature of both signs to spend time in a horizontal position and it can be difficult for them to agree on who should be on top. When motivated, they can both be excellent lovers who put a lot of energy into their sexual activities, but with each other, their sex life will most likely become a battle for personal satisfaction and rest .

The best possibility for a healthy sex life would be one where both partners have already constructed their sexual identity and know how to satisfy each other. In this case, the sensual Taurus would take care of their Leo partner, while the passionate Leo would bring excitement into their relationship. In this scenario, they would both take care of their personal needs, realizing that they must be committed to satisfying their partner for the relationship to work.

In general, these two signs are feminine and masculine, and share a similar need for personal satisfaction. If they don't find themselves in a situation where they both have expectations and won't move until they are met, they could have a very fulfilling sex life. After all, these are just two different facets of love, joy and colorful life.

Trust: 60%

As both fixed signs, they are more likely to stand on their own two feet when it comes to telling the truth. They understand that honesty is the basis of any relationship that could last, and if they fall in love, neither of them will want to jeopardize their future together. However, if one partner has made a habit of lying or cheating in previous relationships, they will likely continue to do so in this one. It is of utmost importance that both partners develop their personalities and moral boundaries independently so that they can function together.

Their main problem might be the lack of will on either side to change any behavioral patterns that might emerge. If one of them believes the other might change, time could consume them with a feeling of distrust that adds to disappointment because change is not happening.

Communication and intelligence: 5%

They are lucky because they are ruled by Venus and the Sun, both of whom are warm and tend to be close to each other, because when it comes to their interests and intellectual understanding, they could lose your mind. It's hard to say who will be more annoying to whom. While Taurus clings to his practical perspective, Leo clings to his ego, and unresolvable conflict arises. Their fixed natures will make them cling to their "side", no matter how stupid, with no real intention of reconciliation. They both need someone with a less rigid approach if they want to find common ground.

Taurus will find a common language with Leo through its usual role of materialization. Any creative impulse from Leo could be followed by the execution plan thought up by his Taurus partner, if only they shared enough emotions to have patience with each other. Their creative force is that of a Venus in combination with the Sun, so it can be said with certainty that they will create something in the image of universal love.

Emotions: 20%

Taurus is a deeply emotional sign, in case they don't shut down and live in their own little safe material world. Leo is a passionate sign that represents love as the power of creation and everything we feel gravitation towards. They are both a personification of love, each in their own way. When they are together, they will rarely feel this love for each other. Perhaps we can view this as their mission to give love to less fortunate zodiac signs, or perhaps their emotional nature is to give more and receive less. Whatever the reason, in most cases they simply don't fall for each other.

It's quite possible that they simply remain in their own worlds, with no prospect of merging, even into anything close to a friendship. It's not because they don't like each other or feel some kind of hostility, but because they are like two islands in two different oceans. Each of them has their own nature, their own world with all its beauties, and they need someone closer to this world to whom they cling. None of them have the role of a floating island looking for someone to merge with.

If the emotions are shared, they could be enormous, but they still need to be shown and recognized before imagining a fairy tale.

Values: 1%

Taurus and Leo have different views on value itself. While Taurus values โ€‹โ€‹financial security and material beauty, Leo values โ€‹โ€‹all that glitters, bravery and a person's inner fire. There is a peace about Taurus that Leo doesn't want to understand, because it seems like a boring place to visit. Leo also appreciates peace, but for him it is hidden in a different, much more joyful place or in public, like peace between entire countries and continents. To Taurus, Leo can seem like someone who strikes a pose and has no depth at all, and although depth is not one of their primary values, it is still very important. They don't find anything interesting in people without essence and neither does Leo, thinking about Taurus and how he doesn't open up to share anything deep.

Shared activities: 40%

Shared activities are very easy to find for both. They either lay down, sleep, eat, and cuddle, or they split up and do things without each other. Taurus is inert and likes to spend time on the couch while the rain falls outside and he hears nothing but the sound of the fireplace. Leo is guided by his nature, and a lion sleeps 20 hours a day and plays the rest of the time. Even the fiercest lion waits for his lioness to serve him his food. The problem will arise when Taurus sets up a romantic image and Leo falls asleep, but it's still a scenario that could work.

Their outdoor activities can be fun for both of them if they go out to fancy restaurants. This is where Leo can be seen, and acting like a gallant person who deserves the best, while Taurus might appreciate very good food. Other than that, they probably won't have many activities to share, but if they aren't stubborn, they might enjoy anything together that isn't too demanding and physical.

Summary: 29%

Taurus and Leo's relationship could be aggressively difficult if not for their warm natures ruled by Venus and the Sun. Although they are both fixed quality signs with totally different natures, if they gather enough patience before starting their relationship, they have a chance of becoming your archetypal couple of a girl and a boy . When their masculine and feminine principles are in balance, they can use them to arrange their sexual, intellectual and financial circumstances and truly appreciate each other.

Taurus and Virgo

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 85%

The sexual relationship between a Taurus and a Virgo can be quite touching. Virgo's partner is usually ashamed of showing their sexuality, or their body, for that matter. This is where Taurus comes into the picture as the hero liberating Virgo. Taurus' gift is his ability to relax his sexual partner by giving him enough attention and being obsessed with his satisfaction. For their Virgo partner, it seems almost unreal, because they expect something rough and scary when it comes to sex. This is an ideal combination of partners for first sexual experiences, because Virgo can enter the world of sexuality in the gentlest way possible.

The problem may arise due to Virgo's nature and their need to go into details and analyze everything. Not only can they interfere with the spontaneity of their sex life, but they could also affect Taurus's self-esteem by finding small flaws on their body and in their actions.

Virgo is a sign of virginity and is a place where Venus, which represents all satisfaction, falls. The fear of being hurt is sometimes too great to handle, and with Virgo's Venus vision, they rarely understand the side of sexuality that is related to satisfaction and tenderness. Taurus is a sign ruled by Venus and its understanding of sex is quite different. They seem to be on a mission to explain what tenderness is to those around them, and find in someone like the Virgin a perfect student for their teachings. They will gladly explain to their partner what the beautiful side of sex is, provided that Virgo is ready to listen to them.

Trust: 75%

Virgo does not trust anyone easily. This is because Pisces is their opposite sign, and they see each partner in their life as a glimpse of the unknown. It's not easy to open yourself up to such a huge field of possibilities when you feel so small.

Taurus is much more relaxed and places so much importance on the beauty of sex, so if Virgo does not feel worthy of her Taurus partner, it will not be easy for her to believe in his honesty or fidelity. This distrust will really hurt the Taurus partner, because he won't be able to understand what he did to deserve her and he will probably put it down to Virgo's changeable nature, thinking that she is not very honest neither.

Communication and intelligence: 90%

Virgo's intellectual strength is exactly what Taurus needs to better understand the world. It's often said that Taurus can be really stubborn and difficult to talk to, but it's almost certain that Virgo will use their mutable qualities to find different approaches to explaining their point of view. As two Earth signs, they can both stick to their beliefs and be too rigid to not accept another's point of view, but in most cases, Virgo's intellect and Taurus' tenderness can help them find a language they both understand, whatever the situation.

Emotions: 85%

The patience Taurus can show when falling in love is what makes him such a good fit for Virgo. Since Virgo won't recognize their feelings right away, they will need time to establish a solid emotional foundation. Because of the lack of trust and disappointment that Virgo is almost always prepared for, Taurus must stay put and never let them down in order to build trust and let their feelings for each other evolve.

If they are both not too rigid and too afraid of being hurt, they can build a strong and deep emotional relationship with mutual respect intact. It is very important not to stay at a safe distance for too long, as they could easily build an emotionless relationship and stay there, unsatisfied, for years, even if they had the potential to fall madly in love.

Values: 50%

They don't have exactly the same values, but they will get along as long as the feminine side of Taurus is not violated. With Taurus ruling fall in the sign of Virgo, their Earth-to-Earth understanding is a little compromised. As Venus represents all values, Virgo might show what Taurus would recognize as a lack of understanding in general. However, they will both appreciate the steady, safe, slow-moving nature of the Earth element, and this should give them plenty of time to mend differences and find common ground.

Shared activities: 55%

Taurus can really seem lazy to their Virgo partner, especially when they are looking for satisfaction and don't leave the house unless they go to a nice restaurant. The intimacy of their nature scares Virgo to the point of agony and she will quickly need a change of scenery so as not to have the impression of staying in the same place for eternity.

If Taurus approaches his usual activities in a way that respects Virgo's occasional obsession with his health, they could think of a number of things to do together, and complement each other very well. Preparing healthy snacks would be just one of the possible suggestions to satisfy their respective needs.

Virgo is a sign ruled by Mercury, and although it belongs to the Earth element, they need to move. Taurus can be really static and it's important that they make the decision to follow their partner, otherwise they won't really have a future together. It's a good thing that Taurus is usually driven by inertia, so when they get used to the movement, it will become a permanent state for both of them. Although you might not connect these signs with travel, when they are together they might feel and follow the urge to travel the world.

Summary: 73%

In general, Taurus is there to teach Virgo about love, tenderness and sexuality. Virgo must be flexible enough to appreciate their Taurus and give them an intellectual vision of things that they might idealize. Their relationship could be a perfect marriage, as long as they aren't too afraid of being hurt and aren't too suspicious. If they surrender to each other and fall madly in love, they could be the combination of a clear heart, represented by Taurus, and a clear mind, represented by Virgo. What more could they need than each other?

Taurus and Libra

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 35%

The relationship between Taurus and Libra has a special flavor, as both signs are ruled by Venus, but represent completely different characteristics. While Taurus likes to be comfortable and relies on their sense of touch and taste, Libra wants everything to be pretty and relies on their sense of sight and smell. They are connected in some way, but for the most part they have this different approach to Venus as the planet of sexual pleasure.

The main difference between these signs is their planet of exaltation. Taurus exalts the Moon and Libra exalts Saturn. It's as if they adore opposite things and while Taurus will prioritize emotions and tenderness in a sexual relationship, Libra will focus on depth and good timing. It won't be easy for them to understand what the other person wants and they might both end up seeming to need each other - from Taurus to Libra because of their emotional neediness and from Libra to Taurus because of their physical need.

As different as they may be, they are still two signs ruled by Venus and they can be quite attracted to each other. As a feminine and masculine sign, they could overcome their differences and try to get to know "the other side of Venus" instead of expecting the impossible from the other. They are both gentle lovers who enjoy relationships without stress or drama, so with enough patience, they could get along wonderfully.

Trust: 30%

Taurus' confidence can be damaged by Libra's need to be liked by everyone, especially if she isn't sure she wants to be with her Taurus partner. If Libra can't make this basic decision, the uncertainty would be a blow to Taurus' ego and it will be very difficult to recover after realizing that they are not wanted with certainty.

Even though they are Libra's first choice, there is still the issue of flirting with so many other people. With truly insecure Libra specimens, it is almost impossible to have a trusting relationship, as their need for acceptance can go very far and even lead them into infidelity. Their quality, however, lies in their vision of justice, and they will rarely act on their insecurities, but still, who could be sure when the atmosphere is so unstable, especially when someone so stable that Taurus is trying to fit in.

Communication and intelligence: 5%

These two are going to drive each other crazy. On the one hand, you have Taurus, who never doubts his character, who never moves and who is annoyingly immutable. On the other hand, you have Libra, indecisive and never sure of what she wants. It seems impossible for them not to get on each other's nerves on a daily basis.

The main challenge here is their primary opinion of each other. As two faces of Venus, these signs represent a country girl (Taurus) and a city girl (Libra). If you combine this with the fact that Libra has a setting Sun, their ego problem would easily make them feed on their refined, city girl image and they might criticize the "peasant girl" for her lack of style and rusticity. They simply don't understand that the fact that Taurus likes comfortable things is not always reflected in their lack of style and that they cannot accept the differences in their appearance.

You could say it's pretty superficial, but it's actually a really deep insecurity issue. Libra does not criticize Taurus because he is a very good person, but because he is afraid of not being one. Taurus will easily feel insecure because of this critical gaze and dive into his feelings of guilt, almost as if he has always been looking for someone to awaken the guilt in him, but without the ability to change and accept criticism as constructive. While it's not something either of them will say out loud, it can be felt in their relationship, even by those around them.

Emotions: 25%

If they are attracted to each other just enough, they might fall madly in love, but in most cases, they are both too cautious to end up in a romantic relationship. Although Taurus and Libra are both looking for someone who will knock them off their feet, they will rarely be that lucky with each other. Taurus will usually decide not to give Libra enough space to discover them, while Libra will spend too much time looking for flaws. As Venus-ruled signs, they are both complemented by Mars-ruled signs and normally seek a partner with initiative, only to have a quick and exciting start and not have enough time to think.

Values: 40%

Venus, their ruler, represents value itself. So it could be said that they value the same things the same way because of the similarities that manifest in what their ruler likes or dislikes, but in different ways. Of course, they both want true, magical, mystical love with Venus exalted in Pisces, but Taurus values โ€‹โ€‹tenderness and touch to achieve it, while Libra values โ€‹โ€‹responsibility and seriousness. However, their end goals are the same and they value the other's ability to love them above all. This could be their true connection point if they fall for each other.

Shared activities: 40%

It's not difficult to find activities for this couple to share, as long as they aren't boring for either of them. Although Taurus doesn't really need to go to matinees and soulless art exhibitions, he could have a pleasant time in a cozy art gallery where warm-colored works of art are displayed. Libra will rarely go for a walk in the mud, but they might take a walk around town, where they could both be seen wearing their new outfits. With their mutual love of beautiful things and love in general, they will find a pleasant way to spend their time together if they are open enough to make a few changes to their usual routine.

Summary: 33%

Watch out for Libra, because Taurus is here to awaken your inner fears and bring them to the surface! Taurus also needs to be careful, as their need to feel guilty could flourish with a Libra. This relationship is a lesson that the two will never forget, especially if they manage to build enough understanding and tenderness between them. The only way for them to be happy would be to accept what they do not want to face in their own inner world. If they succeed, you can imagine what a complete Venus would look like.

Taurus and Scorpio

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 95%

Like all opposite signs, Taurus and Scorpio can be madly attracted to each other, especially due to the sexual nature of their sign. We wouldn't primarily associate Taurus with sexuality, but it represents sensuality and is a sign that rules physical pleasure. Their relationship is a connection of deep emotions and sexuality that no other couple in the zodiac is privileged to have.

Any sort of sexual frustration could lead to a pretty gloomy approach to their sex life. Scorpio has this depressive need to die naked and sweating in the arms of the loved one, while Taurus has the need to be loved that much. It may even seem romantic, but carries with it all the unresolved emotional issues as baggage into their sexual encounters. This doesn't mean their sex life will be bad. On the contrary, they will both find it fantastic, because they will fill it with all kinds of emotions, good or bad. In the end, all that will be left is emotion and sex will be a means of connection rather than a means of personal satisfaction. It can become an obsession and even an addiction, but who would give up the opportunity for such deep intimacy?

As fixed quality signs, when they click, it's impossible to separate them, and no one would want to when considering Scorpio's possible revenge. They represent the fundamental contact between the sexual planets Venus and Mars, while being of the physical and emotional realm as an Earth and Water sign. They are the meaning of a deeply intimate relationship and a very rich sex life, as long as Scorpio is tender enough and Taurus is ready to experiment.

Trust: 80%

Scorpio rarely trusts anyone other than himself unconditionally, and in a relationship with Taurus, he needs to reinforce this sense of security. We wouldn't exactly say that Scorpio is insecure, but their deep emotional nature causes them to question everyone's motives to avoid being hurt.

There is a fine line between two possibilities in a Taurus and Scorpio relationship. The first possibility is where the Taurus partner is really closed off, inaccessible and too quiet. This could awaken Scorpio's suspicious nature and his obsessive questioning will damage their mutual trust even more than it was to begin with. The second option would be for the Taurus partner to be open just enough to share what Scorpio needs to hear.

If they can get that balance right, they shouldn't have a problem. As they become more intimate, Taurus will feel safe enough to share everything Scorpio wants to know and Scorpio will realize that his stable, unchanging Taurus will not disappoint him.

Communication and intelligence: 75%

Like all opposite signs, they seem completely different and as if they have nothing in common. Still, we must keep in mind that opposite signs complement each other perfectly and their communication should be exciting, stimulating and pleasant if they both have enough self-confidence.

While Scorpio will dwell on all those things that Taurus doesn't seem to care about, he might be very surprised to discover that behind Taurus' tender and lively nature, there is a deep understanding of everything that happens naturally , as dark as it may seem. In return, Scorpio will show Taurus the value of life from their perspective. Taurus will find it incredible that Scorpio, the sign of death and destruction, can understand the depth of life and emotions better than any other sign of the zodiac.

Emotions: 99%

This emotional connection is truly something to be earned. Not only do these two represent the axis of the special dignities of the Moon, exalted in Taurus and fallen in Scorpio, but they also have Venus as ruler on one side and the intense element of Water on the other. When they fall in love, they become a picture of eternal love. There is no better personification of Had, the god of the underworld in ancient Greece, and Persephone - an idea of โ€‹โ€‹immortal love that can never die.

Values: 99%

They place a value on life and love that no other sign understands. The depth of their belief system goes as deep as the core of planet Earth and if they start their relationship on the same page, it could be what bonds them for years to come. Although their perspectives differ when it comes to material and emotional values, their core is the same and everything else can be adjusted.

Shared activities: 85%

Although Scorpio is a sign of change, that doesn't mean they aren't very slow in their daily routine. As a fixed sign, they are, just as much as Taurus, static and inert. Scorpios have a lot of energy, nuclear energy is found in their sign, but when it comes to everyday life they tend to repeat patterns and blend in with what most other people find "normal". They do, however, need new, exciting and mind-blowing experiences from time to time, but they would be fine with having them alone if their Taurus partner was not interested.

Of all possible activities, they will especially share sexual activities and all experiences of physical pleasure. They will both enjoy discovering how far their sexual desire can go, which will keep them busy most of the time.

Summary: 89%

Both Taurus and Scorpio are signs of the deepest physical pleasure, each in their own way. This must be the focal point of their relationship, because they can't seem to figure out platonic and imaginative relationships when they're together. There is no such thing as a platonic experience of romance, even though the point of romance is to be physical. It is very possible that they build their sex life to the point that no other partner can ever satisfy their needs.

This can lead to a dead-end possessive relationship, although she probably wouldn't want to get out of it even if she could. The whole experience may be too dark for the Taurus partner, especially if their practicality is challenged by the Scorpio character. In the case where they are both independent and ready to blend into someone else, they could be the perfect sexual-emotional connection that we all want.

Taurus and Sagittarius

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 25%

When Taurus thinks about sexuality, Sagittarius is probably the last person they think of. With their childish attitude changing over time, it seems there is no room for any sexual activity in their lives. Although it is an illusion, these signs are too far apart in their fundamental character to understand each other's sexuality. Sagittarius would probably think that Taurus is a person who eats and sleeps all day. There's nothing sexual about it, is there?

It is interesting, however, that two people ruled by two benefic planets such as Venus and Jupiter cannot seem to find sexual satisfaction. The fact is, they can. Although this is a rare scenario, they could actually use their attributes to enhance the sexual pleasure that Venus would offer them. If they understand each other as two individuals who deserve respect, they might find the missing link to a very interesting and fulfilling sex life. Taurus would take care of their Sagittarius partner and keep them satisfied. In return, they would get a cheerful soul who knows how to make their relationship exciting. There's so much to learn about the "light side" of sexuality here, and it could be a fun experience if Taurus relaxed a little and Sagittarius slowed down.

Trust: 5%

The sign of Sagittarius is considered a synonym for honesty. It is true that representatives of this sign have no idea how to invent a lie, let alone tell it. Yet when it comes to romantic relationships, they often suffer from Don Juan syndrome and cannot get enough attention from a partner. Taurus finds this repulsive at best, and if a relationship with a Sagittarius partner begins and he starts acting this way, there's a good chance he'll be dumped.

Trust between these partners is not something that should be questioned and analyzed. If they trust each other, they can have a wonderful and trusting relationship for a while, but there is still no guarantee as to how long that relationship will last. If they don't, it can't be fixed no matter what they try to do. Typically, loss of trust simply ends the relationship and both partners go their separate ways without regret.

Communication and intelligence: 50%

There are so many beautiful things in the world, and so much to talk about when you think about it. Both Taurus and Sagittarius have this joy within them that can be awakened by their relationship. With the Moon exalted in Taurus and Jupiter exalted in Cancer (ruled by the Moon), there is a certain feeling, a soul, a tenderness to share between them. Their approaches to life are different, their characters incomparable, but the joy they can feel towards certain things is completely the same.

If they don't find that sense of shared joy, they might both learn what poor communication really is. In most cases, they can talk about the weather without a problem, but when they have a problem, it turns into a ridiculous conversation that isn't really a conversation. Sagittarius will want to jump out of their skin waiting for Taurus to finish their sentence, as much as Taurus will look at their Sagittarius partner as the source of all stupidity.

Taurus is your campaign and Sagittarius is the world, so their problems could easily include being disrespected because of where they come from or what their goals are. Even though it's rare for them to argue or use mean words, sometimes it's too obvious that they don't have a care in each other's world and are really, really far apart .

Emotions: 25%

They are both connected to the Moon in some way, so there are feelings to share. However, Sagittarius doesn't normally react with much emotion to static, from their point of view boring Taurus nature. If Taurus were a little more prone to temporary infatuations or platonic relationships, they might fall in love with a Sagittarius enough to overcome the differences between them. Sagittarius, on the other hand, is often infatuated and temporarily in love. There's a good chance they'll fall in love with a Taurus if they like their physical appearance, but they won't stay in those feelings long enough to gently lead the Taurus into reciprocal love.

Their rhythm is off and they are rarely in tune with their emotions. Most relationships between a Taurus and Sagittarius that manage to last are those that started as a friendship and had the chance to develop emotionally over years without them actually being in a romantic relationship.

Values: 60%

The combination of the signs of Taurus and Sagittarius is a "flower child" full of love, understanding of the world and ultimately human. They might support their respective utopian worlds with a little too much passion, which could lead one or both of them to have illusions about what reality is. There is too much love and happiness in the world if they start sharing their opinions and it can become like a drug for both of them. Taurus' practicality will usually break this pattern and counterattack by checking reality and material matters, so that both can remember where their values โ€‹โ€‹separate - security and the complete lack thereof.

Shared activities: 20%

The food. This is mainly what they both share. Taurus doesn't necessarily share food happily, but they certainly enjoy sharing the activity of eating. It might be pretty easy for them to find other things to do together, too. The problem will arise at the moment when Taurus wants to go home and spend an evening in his warm bed, while Sagittarius' fun has just begun. They don't share the same passion for the same things, and although they may have fun being together, their priorities are not the same. Sagittarius' fiery energy will be put off by Taurus' earthy personality and it will be boring for both of them.

Summary: 31%

With their inner beauty and the understanding they share in their search for the truth of life, these two might seem like a perfect couple. However, every positive needs a negative to complement it, and when we really observe, we can notice that often a Taurus and Sagittarius aren't even attracted to each other. Taurus needs earthly pleasures in their relationships, and as a fixed Earth sign, they are the slowest of all the signs. Not exactly someone who can easily relate to the quick, mercurial, and fiery Sagittarius.

The best possible scenario for their relationship would be for them to get to know each other very well and build a friendship without expectations, for years. Ultimately, this could lead to a deep understanding that would give them both enough patience to begin a relationship that has a future. Otherwise, they can still cling to the beauty of the world. Imagine how wonderful their world of creation could be if they joined forces for good.

Taurus and Capricorn

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 85%

Both Taurus and Capricorn can be quite rigid when it comes to sex. This is exactly what could make them a perfect couple. In combination with the other zodiac signs, it can be difficult for them to open up and feel the need to experiment, although Capricorn will do their best to show how resourceful they are when it comes to sex. When they get together and get to know each other intimately, they will learn what it means to relax. Capricorn won't feel the need to show off and Taurus will let go of his fear of being hurt.

The problem in their relationship may hide in their understanding of the Moon, because Taurus exalts her, and Capricorn does not like her very much. They might struggle to connect on an emotional level if Capricorn doesn't fall in love deeply enough or has trust issues. This will be multiplied by Taurus's need to be loved unconditionally which he shows over and over again, driving Capricorn away.

Their different approaches to combining sexual instincts and love are what could drive a wedge between them. Taurus has a problem with initiative and aggressiveness, not understanding Mars very well, while Capricorn needs initiative, physical strength and supports Mars. In their sex life, this could lead to a lack of emotion on the part of the Capricorn partner, causing Taurus to become frustrated, afraid of their libido without an emotional basis. This could lead to impotence and a general lack of sexual desire in both partners, unless they hold on to the intimate nature of their sexuality and approach each other as different individuals with certain needs.

Trust: 99%

Capricorn just doesn't like lying. They don't even judge him, but find him useless and stupid. Even if they lie, in most cases it is an experiment with other human beings to see if they can guess where the truth lies. When they are intimately involved, they like things between them and their partner to be clean and true. Taurus can easily sense this and will feel secure enough not to give in to their occasional need to hide things from their partner. Taurus is ruled by Venus, an exalted planet in the sign of Pisces, which allows him to understand the importance of secrecy when in love. With Capricorn, they can find a way to hide their intimacy from the rest of the world and remain faithful to their loved one for a long, long time.

Communication and intelligence: 85%

Although they have different natures, they understand each other very well and motivate each other to develop - each in the direction that suits them. Their differences are exactly there to make them a perfect couple, as they complement each other in a more subtle way than their opposite signs.

Deep understanding of the Moon is something Taurus is gifted with and Capricorn lacks deep within. Fear of emotions can easily become a daily routine of neglecting their personal emotional needs. Taurus's mission is to teach Capricorn the importance of the tenderness that one should always have for oneself. In return, Capricorn will help Taurus manage responsibilities and teach him to achieve his goals without interfering emotions.

It's not always easy for them to understand each other, but with enough compassion and open-mindedness to feel for the other person, they can support each other like no other sign couple can. After all, they belong to the Earth element, and can work magic in our material reality when they reconcile their differences.

Emotions: 90%

It's hard to say for sure that they will find emotional fulfillment with each other, as they are both very cautious when it comes to love. This is usually a pattern to break when they start a relationship because they have enough time and patience for each other. From Taurus' point of view, it may not be the best emotional contact they've ever had, but from Capricorn's point of view, things can't get much better than being loved by a partner Bull.

However, there is an almost unbearable dose of satisfaction that Taurus will feel when their long-term digs reach the emotional core of their Capricorn partner. When this contact is achieved, they will rarely feel the need to separate from them again. For Capricorn, it can feel like someone has literally touched their heart and they will probably never want to let their Taurus partner go.

Values: 90%

With a shared sense of the value of the material world, these two can go very far together. While Taurus creates and motivates, Capricorn leads the way to success and financial security. Whatever their goals, they could easily achieve them together because they share the same material values โ€‹โ€‹to begin with. However, their situation is not as favorable when it comes to their approach to emotions and family. They should view the different aspects of their personalities as complementary rather than destructive and find a way to coexist by valuing each other's shadows.

Shared activities: 85%

You might say that Taurus is lazy and Capricorn never stops working, but that's not exactly the case. If any zodiac sign needs rest, it's Capricorn. Their high ambition can lead them to a state of low energy and Taurus is there to repair their tired soul with good food and time for joy. On the other hand, if Taurus' creative and motivational side is awakened by the ambitious nature of their Capricorn partner, they will become anything but lazy and will make room for both to be satisfied and happy with what they have accomplished . In short, they can do anything together, as long as they stick to a nice balance between activity and rest.

Summary: 89%

Taurus and Capricorn can form such a deep relationship that their creative power in the material realm might seem inaccessible to other zodiac signs. Thanks to their ability to complement each other in a gentle and slow way, they make the most boring couple on the outside, with the most exciting inner activity that remains hidden from the rest of the world. If Taurus motivates their Capricorn partner, and Capricorn shows their Taurus partner the path to accomplishment, they might work together, raise children, and share a more fun life than they're both used to, or simply form an unbreakable bond. When their deep emotions intertwine, they are bound to each other for eternity.

Taurus and Aquarius

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 10%

The slow, tender, smooth nature of Taurus will be ridiculously bored by the changeable and unusual nature of Aquarius. In most cases, they aren't even attracted to each other and consider each other boring or crazy, depending on the situation. However, they could really flourish in each other's lives if they opened themselves up to the possibility of unusual sexual encounters.

If Taurus' tenderness is projected onto his independent and distant Aquarius partner, his creative and motivating side would awaken, giving energy and speed to Taurus's gentle and productive side. Imagine the sex life they could have, different from each other, two outcasts, if only they shared enough respect and emotion.

They will rarely go that far, because they seem to be looking for different things in a relationship initially. Taurus would like to have a secure and unbreakable partnership and Aquarius wants to be free from all attachments to this world, let alone emotional relationships. It is not easy for them to iron out these differences or keep them out of their sex life, because they would not feel like themselves in a relationship that ignores their basic needs.

Trust: 20%

If Taurus wasn't so stressed out by his Aquarius partner, he might decide to be true and honest. Aquarius doesn't really understand Taurus' attitude and especially his fear of not being good enough. Guilt and self-criticism are Taurus's most difficult character traits, and Aquarius breaks free from them, finding them obsolete. This strict opinion of Aquarius scares Taurus to the point that he thinks it is impossible to say what he feels. This will end in a cycle of lies and mistrust that cannot be repaired.

An Aquarius partner does not seem to show flexibility, although they tend to show a nature that is very open to people's differences. In order to establish subtle trust, Taurus must be courageous and stop thinking about the consequences of everything he says, while Aquarius must let go of his virtuous attitude and pay attention to how his Taurus partner feels in his presence.

Communication and intelligence: 10%

In contact with the elements Earth and Air, they can be so far apart that they no longer find anything to say to each other. The sign of Taurus brings Uranus to its downfall and all those brilliant ideas that Aquarius has, seem to pass through the sieve of reality given by Taurus. This wouldn't be a problem in itself, but sometimes the narrow-minded Taurus doesn't exactly see the true possibilities of the material world and can belittle his Aquarius partner to the point that he doesn't see how one of his dreams is possible .

If Taurus shows understanding for his partner's need to fly, he can help him materialize his dreams. This doesn't happen often, as Aquarius rarely finds Taurus to be a good person to talk to, slow and boring with a "small town" attitude that inhibits the progress of our civilization.

Their differences are difficult to reconcile and when they fall in love, every little thing can become a huge problem and a reason for both of them to think about ending the relationship. If Taurus wants a white picket fence, Aquarius wants an apartment on the 67th floor. If Taurus craves compassion, Aquarius does not care about the opinions of others. If Taurus wants to travel on foot, Aquarius wants to buy a plane ticket. In general, they may realize that they are not exactly right for each other, unless they both have enough flexibility to understand the ultimate difference in others, and enough openness to doing things that don't interest them, just to see if they like them in the end.

Emotions: 15%

They're lucky that the sign of Aquarius raises the spirits of Venus, otherwise they wouldn't have much luck. Taurus will rarely fall in love with an Aquarius because he does not recognize his ruler in the right context. Aquarius is aloof enough as it is, and without the excitement that some other signs might offer, he won't exactly feel the electricity of being in love with an immovable Taurus. However, they could both be fooled by the common ground that separates them. If Taurus sees the stable, saturnine side of Aquarius, and Aquarius recognizes the inner child in his Taurus partner, they might discover that they are meant for each other, even if it goes against each other. of the desired goal.

Values: 1%

While Taurus values โ€‹โ€‹material things and ingrained behaviors, Aquarius values โ€‹โ€‹freedom in all its forms. One of them wants to be tied, and the other wants to fly. There is little they can do other than accept the differences in their goals and natures, because there is truth and good in both approaches to life. They can find certain things to value together, if they put their minds to creating them through Aquarius' field of ideas and Taurus's practical achievements.

Shared activities: 5%

For a short time, there might be a number of great things they could do together. After Taurus's appeals have been spent, there isn't much else they'll want to do together. By โ€œrecourse,โ€ we are not necessarily talking about money, but the overall energy for action. Taurus will happily visit a strange place he has never been to, but after that he will want to come home and have a nice dinner. Aquarius does not have this need and wants to always be on the move. They could be taken care of through the efforts of their Taurus partner, if he had enough patience to feed them properly, dress them in clean clothes and take care of household activities. Yet this compromise is rare to find, because the emotional satisfaction the Taurus partner will get in return is not enough.

Summary: 11%

Taurus and Aquarius are people from two different worlds. Yet there is an uncanny similarity and connection between their rulers and, although very difficult, it is a relationship where both partners could fall in love with each other, over and over again, every day. They are ruled by Venus and Uranus, two planets that rotate in opposite directions to the other planets. They are two outcasts, different and standing out together, they understand that the East can be where the West is, and vice versa. They understand diversity, change of direction and the excitement of love. However, they will rarely be able to understand each other because of their excessive need for peace (Taurus) and excitement (Aquarius). What strange pair do these signs form? With such an obvious opportunity for electric love, they bypass it and look for something else.

Taurus and Pisces

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 99%

Taurus and Pisces are both pleasure-oriented. Taurus represents the art of making love, tenderness and sensuality. The sign of Pisces represents the culmination of a sexual encounter - orgasm. It is a place where Venus is exalted, magical, mysterious and incredibly satisfying for the ruler of Taurus. They have the ability to lose themselves in each other, realize their dreams, and satisfy each other through pure existence.

When it comes to sex, Taurus can easily find themselves in a rut if their partner isn't inspiring or creative enough. They don't care, as long as their emotional needs are met and their physical body is respected. Pisces, on the other hand, gets lost in sexual experiences, and may even find them toxic if their impressions of others are unrealistic. When they meet the right Taurus partner, they may be intrigued and relieved by their nature, because what they see is actually what they get.

Due to the emotional nature of the Pisces sign and their deep sense of purpose, Taurus will feel loved to the point of losing themselves in their partner's sexuality. They will both pay very little attention to their own pleasure because of all these feelings that guide them. It is almost always a giving relationship where both partners are equally satisfied when it comes to sex.

Trust: 80%

Due to Pisces' tendency to approach every relationship with an idealistic approach, there's a good chance they'll open up to their Taurus partner as soon as they realize how stable and secure they seem. The beauty of their contact is that when they are together, they both lose their need to hide and let their emotions develop with ease.

The sign of Pisces is a mutable quality sign, and they can change unexpectedly, for no clear reason. If this happens, Taurus will know that trust is lost, regardless of how their relationship looked a few minutes ago. It's a deep feeling of broken intimacy, lost in Pisces' need for emotional exaltation. Basically, when the Pisces partner is bored, they start thinking of excuses and lies, even before realizing that their relationship is over. It is up to Taurus to understand the fragility of his partner. When they do, they can either accept the situation and fight for love or end the relationship and move on.

Communication and intelligence: 95%

Taurus and Pisces probably won't need to talk much. Instead, they will understand each other through all types of nonverbal communication, curious about each other's next move. The subtlety of Pisces is something truly inspiring to Taurus and they will feel the need to get to know every detail of their partner's behavior. These two signs are not very talkative and Pisces even led Mercury to its fall. This is why they really need to create a strong emotional bond and listen to each other through very few words.

The scope of talent and creative energy that Pisces carries goes well with Taurus' need for beauty. Unfortunately, they can get lost in the world of Pisces and really lose that grip they have on reality. At first it will be like a drug, an addiction, something they have been waiting for their whole life. Over time, the feeling will no longer be as good, because they will lose touch with themselves and feel like they no longer know who they are. The most important thing for Taurus in a relationship with Pisces is to hold on and stick to their common sense, practicality and their usual need to live in reality.

Emotions: 99%

Taurus and Pisces have a magical emotional connection. As long as Pisces doesn't change their mind and swim away, their relationship should be filled with love and wonder. As Pisces exalts Venus, the ruler of Taurus, it is not just about love but adoration. Taurus will feel, for a while, like the center of someone's world, loved and cherished to the point of being unbearably beautiful. If this feeling continues, they could stay in a great relationship for a very long time.

As soon as the Pisces partner feels this beautiful emotion fading, he will make a spontaneous maneuver to move away from his Taurus partner. The funny thing is that in most cases Taurus won't be hurt at all. This simple feeling of inadequacy will be enough for both of them to let the distance take its course. Even though Taurus tends to bond emotionally with their partner, their potential separation from Pisces will be more of a reality check than a devastating event.

Values: 85%

Taurus is turned towards a material reality and Pisces towards an emotional reality. Their values โ€‹โ€‹differ greatly, but the one they share is incomparable to others - love. No other zodiac sign can truly understand the way these two value love, especially when they are in love with each other.

Shared activities: 70%

The main problem with these signs is that Taurus is a fixed sign and Pisces is mutable. This can lead to a lack of understanding when it comes to how they want to spend their time together. At first, they will enjoy the same things, but the Pisces partner will get bored very quickly if the decor doesn't change. It's not like them to stay in one place for too long. When Taurus finds himself in a beautiful situation, he will want to stay there forever, clinging to the first image even when the beauty of it fades. This will slow down any movement and could really annoy their Pisces partner.

Summary: 88%

This is a relationship that is based on love and is full of it while it lasts. They both crave romance and beauty in their lives, and will do whatever is necessary to keep beauty between them. Taurus will give their Pisces partner a chance to connect to the real world, showing them how to ground their creativity, while Pisces will lift Taurus up and make him a little softer and more flexible. They seem to be on a mission to convince them that true love exists. When their relationship is over, they will both know it instantly and, very often, a conversation about the breakup will be superfluous. If they savor their trust and nurture the beauty of the love they share, their relationship can last and be as inspiring as a dream come true.

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