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Aquarius Compatibility in Love, Life, Sex, Communication, Friendship and Trust







Cosmic Compatibilities

Aries Compatibility

Taurus Compatibility

Gemini Compatibility

Cancer Compatibility

Leo Compatibility

Virgo Compatibility

Libra Compatibility

Scorpio Compatibility

Sagittarius Compatibility

Capricorn Compatibility

Aquarius Compatibility

Pisces Compatibility

Aquarius and Aries
Aquarius and Taurus
Aquarius and Gemini
Aquarius and Cancer
Aquarius and Leo
Aquarius and Virgo
Aquarius and Libra
Aquarius and Scorpio
Aquarius and Sagittarius
Aquarius and Capricorn
Aquarius and Aquarius
Aquarius and Pisces

Aquarius and Aries

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 65%

Sexual contact between Aries and Aquarius signs can be really stressful or extremely exciting. Usually it's both. Their signs go well together in general and they support each other easily, as they both have a lot of energy to keep up with each other. However, when it comes to their sexual and intimate relationships, they may lack emotion. Aries is a passionate sign with lots of hot and creative emotions. It's a relationship that could bring out their worst nature and simply highlight that they are a sign ruled by Mars - a cold, emotionless sexual hunter. While this can be very exciting for both of them, it won't be very fulfilling because they both need to feel loved.

There is an excess of masculinity and energy that could lead to very turbulent relationships. Their roles are easy to understand, with Aries giving energy and stamina to his Aquarius partner, and Aquarius giving crazy ideas and expanding the horizons of his Aries. It's a lot of fun at the beginning of their relationship, but after a while it can become tiring because there aren't enough ideas to cover the emotional void they might encounter.

Trust: 85%

Trust is an important issue for Aries and Aquarius can understand this. This doesn't mean they will be loyal to their Aries partner forever, but they think it's right to keep a relationship open and tell them about their indiscretions. Unfortunately, Aries is ruled by Mars and needs to be the only person in the world their partner lays eyes on. This can turn them into an angry and possessive person, obsessed with their partner's movements.

When we discuss trust issues between them that don't include other people, we can say that they don't have a problem. They both just don't understand why they would lie when there are so many interesting truths to discover. They must be free to say what they think and accept that they will never avoid conflict, but that it can be used constructively to better understand each other and strengthen their relationship.

Communication and intelligence: 90%

Their conversations can be so exciting that many people would like to participate in them. Aries is often a little serious and demands that their boundaries be respected. The Aquarius partner will recognize it, laugh and shake their whole world. It is unimaginable for Aries, who is always moving forward, that someone would be so open-minded, going back and forth, having new revelations every day and never wasting energy on new and different topics .

Aries might find an idol in their Aquarius partner and engage fully in any dialogue because they are excited by what they might discover and how their perspective would change. On the other hand, Aquarius enjoys this role in their partner's life due to their ego issues with the Sun positioned in this sign. They will share their thoughts with their partner, trying to be as interesting as possible. Aquarius is motivated by their Aries partner and likes to make little jokes at their expense. It's important for Aries not to take things personally when it comes to Aquarius humor and they could have a lot of fun together.

Due to their strong, energy-filled natures, they might argue most of the time. In most cases, Aquarius will not put up with ridiculous conflicts and will build a brick wall somewhere between them if necessary. Yet they usually end up destroying it, because they love each other the way they are after all.

Emotions: 40%

For Aquarius to awaken their emotional nature, they usually need a partner who is flexible and patient enough to achieve this. We wouldn't exactly say Aries is patient, so you can imagine the problem that could arise. From an Aries' perspective, their partner is cold, distant, and has no intention of opening their heart to them. Aquarius sees things differently and tries to remain rational at all times. When Aries starts asking for a display of emotion, the real problem surfaces, because Aquarius might have shown how he feels all the time, but no one would guess what he showed.

Values: 30%

Although they can share a great conversation, their values ​​separate as soon as they broach the subject of freedom. They both appreciate freedom on first impulse. But over time, Aries realizes that he doesn't really appreciate freedom when he sees it at work. In fact, they often change everything in their lives just to take away their Aquarius partner's freedom. It's not a conscious need, but Aries can be like a spoiled child who wants things (and people) all to themselves. So, with Aquarius changing direction like the wind and never changing its nature, Aries can find itself truly unhappy because it wants someone to share everything with, not just what the wind brings.

Shared activities: 30%

Unless Aquarius suggests something truly unacceptable to his Aries partner, they will have an abundance of possibilities when it comes to their joint activities. With so much energy, their only mistake would be to stay home and not share a chance to get all that energy out of their system.

Summary: 68%

This is a couple that lacks tenderness. These aren't two bullies who let their relationship fizzle out as soon as passion sets in, but Aquarius' distant, examining gaze can make the emotion disappear. The Aries partner needs to be relaxed by their partner, so that they can blend in and show their true emotional and warm nature. In this relationship, they will have a distant partner who essentially supports their primitive and instinctive nature. While it's nice to think that the goal of every relationship is for partners to accept each other as they are, in this case it would deprive Aries of any chance to grow through intimacy and learn to know your emotional nature. This is something they will never be satisfied with.

Yet each Aquarius relationship can surprise us as much as any individual Aquarius. With them as a partner, there is always room for an enlightening storyline that leaves everything up to free will. In case they decide to share their life together, they should have a screaming room that they can visit individually from time to time. That would probably do the trick. And as for the lack of emotion, they could just put in a lot of physical tenderness to start and let things go from there.

Aquarius and Taurus

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 15%

The slow, tender, smooth nature of Taurus will be ridiculously bored by the changeable and unusual nature of Aquarius. In most cases, they aren't even attracted to each other and consider each other boring or crazy, depending on the situation. However, they could really flourish in each other's lives if they opened themselves up to the possibility of unusual sexual encounters.

If Taurus' tenderness is projected onto their independent and distant Aquarius partner, their creative and motivating side would awaken, giving energy and speed to Taurus' gentle and productive side. Imagine the sex life they could have, different from each other, two outcasts, if only they shared enough respect and emotion.

They will rarely go that far, because they seem to be looking for different things in a relationship initially. Taurus would like to have a secure and unbreakable partnership and Aquarius wants to be free from all attachments to this world, let alone emotional relationships. It is not easy for them to iron out these differences or keep them out of their sex life, because they would not feel like themselves in a relationship that ignores their basic needs.

Trust: 20%

If Taurus wasn't so stressed out by his Aquarius partner, he might decide to be true and honest. Aquarius doesn't really understand Taurus' attitude and especially his fear of not being good enough. Guilt and self-criticism are Taurus's most difficult character traits, and Aquarius breaks free from them, finding them obsolete. This strict opinion of Aquarius scares Taurus to the point that he thinks it is impossible to say what he feels. This will end in a cycle of lies and mistrust that cannot be repaired.

An Aquarius partner does not seem to show flexibility, although they tend to show a nature that is very open to people's differences. In order to establish subtle trust, Taurus must be courageous and stop thinking about the consequences of everything he says, while Aquarius must let go of his virtuous attitude and pay attention to how his Taurus partner feels in his presence.

Communication and intelligence: 10%

In contact with the elements Earth and Air, they can be so far apart that they no longer find anything to say to each other. The sign of Taurus brings Uranus to its downfall and all those brilliant ideas that Aquarius has, seem to pass through the sieve of reality given by Taurus. This wouldn't be a problem in itself, but sometimes the narrow-minded Taurus doesn't exactly see the true possibilities of the material world and can belittle his Aquarius partner to the point that he doesn't see how one of his dreams is possible .

If Taurus shows understanding for his partner's need to fly, he can help him materialize his dreams. This doesn't happen often, as Aquarius rarely finds Taurus to be a good person to talk to, slow and boring with a "small town" attitude that inhibits the progress of our civilization.

Their differences are difficult to reconcile and when they fall in love, every little thing can become a huge problem and a reason for both of them to think about ending the relationship. If Taurus wants a white picket fence, Aquarius wants an apartment on the 67th floor. If Taurus craves compassion, Aquarius does not care about the opinions of others. If Taurus wants to travel on foot, Aquarius wants to buy a plane ticket. In general, they may realize that they are not exactly right for each other, unless they both have enough flexibility to understand the ultimate difference in others, and enough openness to doing things that don't interest them, just to see if they like them in the end.

Emotions: 15%

They're lucky that the sign of Aquarius raises the spirits of Venus, otherwise they wouldn't have much luck. Taurus will rarely fall in love with an Aquarius because he does not recognize his ruler in the right context. Aquarius is aloof enough as it is, and without the excitement that some other signs might offer, he won't exactly feel the electricity of being in love with an immovable Taurus. However, they could both be fooled by the common ground that separates them. If Taurus sees the stable, saturnine side of Aquarius, and Aquarius recognizes the inner child in his Taurus partner, they might discover that they are meant for each other, even if it goes against each other. of the desired goal.

Values: 15%

While Taurus values ​​material things and ingrained behaviors, Aquarius values ​​freedom in all its forms. One of them wants to be tied, and the other wants to fly. There is little they can do other than accept the differences in their goals and natures, because there is truth and good in both approaches to life. They can find certain things to value together, if they put their minds to creating them through Aquarius' field of ideas and Taurus's practical achievements.

Shared activities: 5%

For a short time, there might be a number of great things they could do together. After Taurus's appeals have been spent, there isn't much else they'll want to do together. By “recourse,” we are not necessarily talking about money, but the overall energy for action. Taurus will happily visit a strange place he has never been to, but after that he will want to come home and have a nice dinner. Aquarius does not have this need and wants to always be on the move. They could be taken care of through the efforts of their Taurus partner, if he had enough patience to feed them properly, dress them in clean clothes and take care of household activities. Yet this compromise is rare to find, because the emotional satisfaction the Taurus partner will get in return is not enough.

Summary: 11%

Taurus and Aquarius are people from two different worlds. Yet there is an uncanny similarity and connection between their rulers and, although very difficult, it is a relationship where both partners could fall in love with each other, over and over again, every day. They are ruled by Venus and Uranus, two planets that rotate in opposite directions to the other planets. They are two outcasts, different and standing out together, they understand that the East can be where the West is, and vice versa. They understand diversity, change of direction and the excitement of love. However, they will rarely be able to understand each other because of their excessive need for peace (Taurus) and excitement (Aquarius). What strange pair do these signs form? With such an obvious opportunity for electric love, they bypass it and look for something else.

Aquarius and Gemini

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 85%

Gemini and Aquarius could probably have sex just through verbal stimulation. They do not need to get naked to have a sexual experience, although they will want to be naked all the time to free themselves from all the human restrictions represented by clothing. They will get lost on their way to a place and make love there. Or elsewhere. But no matter, they are looking for soulmates and want to have fun at the same time.

They will both be turned on by the intellectual side of their relationship and if they want to be satisfied, they must consider each other intelligent. Neither Gemini nor Aquarius will ever engage in a serious relationship with someone who, in their eyes, is stupid. Even what they call a "meaningful sexual encounter" should be done with someone who has enough wit and something to say.

They can have sex anywhere and neither of them would mind. Gemini is a bit childish and can be ashamed in certain situations, but when Aquarius takes over, Gemini will realize that there are no limits to their freedom of expression. These partners will try everything, communicate excessively, and quickly learn about each other's bodies and how to satisfy them. Yet their relationship might lack emotion and true physical intimacy. This can cause them to drift apart, often without realizing that they both need something else from their partner.

Trust: 85%

Trust is a strange thing for this couple. It must be emphasized that they will trust each other. Aquarius finds lying ridiculous and Gemini generally feels free enough not to lie. On the other hand, Aquarius understands everyone's need for privacy, as it is a sign where Neptune is exalted. Both will likely have this ultimate trust for their partner and are rarely deceived due to their premise of giving and receiving freedom as a top priority. None of them will get any satisfaction from telling stories or lying when there are so many interesting things to discuss with their weirdo partner, and so little to share that will be judged.

Communication and intelligence: 99%

When Gemini and Aquarius engage in intellectual debate, everyone has fun watching them. They stimulate each other's minds to such an extent that they draw arguments they didn't know existed into their thoughts. While Gemini will likely be fascinated by Aquarius' ever so rational and humane belief system, Aquarius will have the opportunity to relieve his ego problem a bit with his Gemini partner.

Gemini's mutable quality will allow them to adapt to some of those rigid Aquarius attitudes and opinions, even if they don't agree. Geminis have this gentle nature that understands the flow of social contact with other people, and will rarely fight for their beliefs with someone they feel really close to. This is a good thing for their daily lives, but in general it can present a problem because Gemini's authentic personality could be stifled until they are unsure of who they are, once again.

It's important that they have enough flexibility for each other, no matter how different their premises are. However, it is best if they share the same philosophy of life, which is usually the case, otherwise they risk drifting away and losing interest in each other. As two representatives of the air, they find that communication is the solution to all problems, but do not know how far they can stray from Earth with their unrealized ideas and unfulfilled goals because too much talk and too little action.

Emotions: 40%

It could be said that Gemini and Aquarius understand each other perfectly when it comes to their emotions. This is generally true, but that doesn't mean it's what they both need. Gemini's unstable nature can cause them to change their minds or emotional states every day, and if they don't feel good in a relationship, they will break free without thinking much about why they had to do so. Aquarius is always in a hurry to break free from anyone or anything, so a breakup wouldn't really be something strange in their world.

In most cases, their rational and mental natures will complement each other in exciting ways, but there isn't much emotion to build at the heart of their relationship. It seems these two partners need to find someone a little warmer to feel things more deeply and ignite their passionate hearts. They will become friends much more often than lovers, even if they were attracted to each other when they first met.

Values: 95%

Suffice it to say, they both value intellect. The rest is just something the other signs worry about. However, Aquarius can be very passionate about their human beliefs and will often support them forcefully. This is something Gemini can understand but rarely supports. Since the Aquarius partner values ​​the equality of people as much as their own freedom, this may be their point of separation, even if the Gemini partner doesn't really disagree.

Shared activities: 99%

Aquarius is the only sign capable of truly surprising Gemini. They are so different from everyone else and represent a stage that Geminis must climb if they want their life to be amazing. This isn't always the case, as some of Aquarius' quirks can be bluster, engineered by their need to fix their turbulent Sun. Still, it's exciting for both of them to enter into this relationship - Aquarius to surprise and Gemini to follow them wherever they go. Their main activity to share is movement. They might drive thousands of miles just to find a specific ice cream or for no reason at all. Typically, they can do everything together, from traveling to clubbing to reading the labels and instructions for using different kitchen utensils.

Summary: 85%

Gemini needs a partner who doesn't bore them or make them feel inhibited. If we look at things from this angle, we can say that there is no better partner for them than the fabulous Aquarius. Aquarius needs someone who understands his grandiose ideas and discusses each of them with him, and also someone who doesn't make him feel inhibited. Who could do this better than Gemini? However, they might find themselves in a relationship that doesn't have enough emotion and compassion, and this is sure to surface as soon as the first troubling thing happens in either partner's life. They need to work on their emotional foundation and non-verbal understanding if they want their relationship to last.

Aquarius and Cancer

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 1%

A Cancer-Aquarius sexual relationship can be stressful for both partners. Although Cancer is considered the most sensitive sign of the zodiac, ruled by the Moon, they can be quite harsh and distant when they feel the need to set strong boundaries. Aquarius, on the other hand, is known for being an innovator, someone who brings change, but in fact, it is a fixed sign, quite set in its ways and, paradoxically, immutable.

When engaging in sexual activity, Cancer might be so stressed that they will have to set boundaries and Aquarius will not be able to make the necessary changes to be gentler with their Cancer partner. There is too much energy in Aquarius that needs to be grounded in physical activity, and that includes sex. Cancer doesn't really understand this and is convinced that in sex with someone you love, only emotions should be shared.

If Aquarius finds a way to slow down and not impose anything on his partner, and if Cancer allows his rational mind to take over for some of the time they spend together, they could share an exciting sexual experience. Cancer will bring emotion and tenderness to their sex life and Aquarius will never let boring routine take over. If they compromise on experimenting and exchanging emotions, they might even start having fun.

Trust: 35%

Cancer is generally loyal and honest, except in situations where he is afraid of the aggressive reaction of his loved one, or of seriously hurting him. With Aquarius, they may feel stressed about sharing things and this can present a two-way problem when it comes to trust. Aquarius' liberal nature may seem crazy to a Cancer, and their partner's honesty about their madness won't help the inner feeling of distrust about their possible actions. It's a complicated thing for them, because neither of them wants to lie, but they still don't seem to have confidence in the future they might share.

Communication and intelligence: 55%

Cancer and Aquarius are able to join forces in intellectual activity. Cancer's mind is sensitive enough to pay attention to details and interpersonal relationships when Aquarius does not. They can realize big ideas, especially those that require the involvement of many people to become reality.

However, they might have trouble speaking on the same tone or understanding each other in the first place. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the fastest celestial body in the sky, but it is not quick to recognize what is behind Aquarius' words. Aquarius has difficulty expressing their inner state and this is something that Cancer has difficulty understanding.

The best start to their relationship is guaranteed if Aquarius sees their Cancer partner as a weird human being who needs to be examined. This will give them both enough space to get to know each other well, which could influence all other areas of their relationship. If this happens, Aquarius will approach these strange activities that Cancer needs as if they were not ordinary at all. After all, not everyone can drink morning coffee in complete silence with their partner and enjoy that silence as much as those partners can.

Emotions: 50%

Aquarius' unconventional nature interferes with Cancer's need to stay in a peaceful environment, and this is something they will have difficulty reconciling. That sense of intimacy and comfort that Cancer craves can be deeply disrupted by the rebellious air sign of Aquarius. They will bring stress and too much information into their lives, and a speed that cannot be handled by a subtle state of deep empathy that Cancer must live with daily.

The way they show love is very different, but it can be wonderfully focused on their children and the family they build if they get to that point. No zodiac sign is predestined for family life like Cancer. In an Aquarius relationship, they would take care of most of the daily activities and responsibilities. In return, their children would benefit from a childhood without limits and a life of free choice that no other couple can offer them. It is a consequence of the difference between them and the tolerance they must build to stay together.

When they fall in love, they won't be so quick to end the relationship. Aquarius will approach it as a kind of challenge and will understand the stability and love they receive from this partner. Cancer will realize that they have never been more free to be themselves instead of living in a symbiotic relationship that they are easily sucked into. Once they form a strong bond, it will be very difficult for them to let go.

Values: 10%

Cancer values ​​knowledge almost as much as Aquarius values ​​information. It's a fine connection between their worlds and if maintained, it might be just enough for them not to be separated by other values ​​they hold dear. Cancer values ​​stability, intimacy and family, while Aquarius values ​​freedom, intellect and new technologies. There is a difference between their worlds that may seem impossible to overcome, but if they retain their love of distance and travel or learn together, they could easily overcome the fact that their values ​​on other things differ so much. .

Shared activities: 25%

While Cancer will want to stay at home, have a picnic in the park, or go to a furniture store, Aquarius will search for the tallest skyscraper, wish for a new laptop, and read whatever comes his way. hand. The key activity that could really bring them together is travel. Although Cancer seems homebound and immovable, this is not entirely true. Due to the fact that it is a sign of Jupiter's exaltation, they will want to travel far and wide. Aquarius will always want to get on a plane and it would be perfect if they could parachute to a place where Cancer would land safely in a Boeing 747.

Summary: 31%

It could be said that Cancer and Aquarius are not your usual happy couple in most cases. Their relationship may be too stressful for the Cancer partner and the lack of intimacy will most likely tear them apart. However, the bond between them can be wonderful when found, and they could open up new and interesting avenues for each other if that happens. They both want to learn new things and could travel far if a solid foundation is established at home, so that Cancer can remain peaceful.

For this couple to move in a positive direction, Aquarius needs to understand how unusual their partner is, and try to experience being a homebody while having fun. Cancer will have to shoulder most of the responsibility for clinging to the idea that their home is a base from which they can move wherever they want. Ultimately, Cancer might discover an incredible joy of freedom and Aquarius might develop a certain closeness. If these partners can be silent together, sipping their morning coffee, in most cases that is the first step towards success.

Aquarius and Leo

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 99%

Attraction is always great in opposite sign relationships, and it's probably greatest in a Leo and Aquarius relationship. Leo is the king of the entire zodiac, and Aquarius seems to be here to bring down the king and fight for independence. Imagine the attraction and passion between two such strong individuals, located on the Sun's axis of domination and detriment.

Their sex life is a struggle, a struggle and an incredible experience for both of them. Liberating and yet warm and passionate, sensual but always interesting. When they find genuine emotion, Aquarius may come to respect the king. The beauty of their sex life lies in what they can learn about their bodies, their confidence and the way they view the sexual act. Through the struggle of insecurities and forced release, these are two partners who form a strong connection through a simple act of gravitation that the Sun has on Uranus.

Trust: 75%

Everything seems clear in a Leo and Aquarius relationship when we look at it from afar. However, these signs represent Neptune's axis of exaltation and fall, and they will almost always have the challenge of trust and truth-seeking in their relationship. Although they can find incredible understanding and freedom for both partners, usually when they break up they realize how little they have actually known about each other and how little trust they have. initially shared.

Communication and intelligence: 90%

Both Leo and Aquarius are heroes in their own way. While Aquarius tends toward heroism, looking for ways to break free from repression, Leo is born a hero and sometimes doesn't even know it. If they end up fighting for the same cause, they could overthrow entire governments and use their incredible strength to change anything in the world. To get to this point, these two should stop the battle they are waging with each other, as energy can be dispersed on their pointless struggle for dominance in a relationship.

Leo is a sign ruled by the Sun and has the ability to bring clarity to any situation. No matter how confused they may be or how lost they may seem, if you take a closer look at the time you spent with them, you will see that they brought clarity to your life. Aquarius, on the other hand, understands the need for change and seems to carry within him a spark that ignites and excites any situation he finds worthy of interest. This can be irritating for many, especially Leo, but in fact it is a liberating necessity that we all carry within us.

Emotions: 99%

Leo is exactly what Aquarius needs to find love. It's a strange thing to see how they find each other, on the basis of their old relationships, to break free and shine as if they had been searching for each other for several lifetimes. While Leo is the Sun, Aquarius is lightning and it usually shows up on a rainy day. That's exactly what they need to understand - there is a time for both to shine and they don't endanger the other's chance to do so.

When a Leo falls in love, the whole world can feel it. Heat pours from the center of their being and one must be blind or foolish not to pick up on the signals. Aquarius can hide their emotions much better and often has difficulty expressing and acknowledging what they feel. It's a good thing that Leo's warm emotional nature will melt even the coldest hearts and there will be no safer place for Aquarius to share his love than in these fiery arms. The only thing that can endanger their emotional relationship is their eternal battle of egos and they should both be careful not to be too proud to indulge in love.

Values: 80%

The deepest value they share is the value of individuality. A person with a strong character, who knows exactly what he wants, cannot go unnoticed in the eyes of Leo or Aquarius. Although they don't agree on many other things, this is one that could bond them strongly, as they are both strong individuals in each other's eyes.

Shared activities: 90%

While Leo shines, Aquarius loves everything that sparkles. Leo's need to show off might be a little disrupted by Aquarius' tendency to show what others don't want to see. From another point of view, this should help Leo feel more free and confident, even if it doesn't seem like it at first. They will both like to show themselves, each in their own way, and it is only important for them to establish the territory of expression of both partners. Just like the Sun and lightning don't go together, Aquarius should take over on a rainy day, in a depressed crowd, or in places where they both feel like they're going to drown. This is where Leo must give in and let their partner rule the skies if they intend to make their relationship last. There will be enough regular, bright chances and cloudless days for Leo to rule.

Summary: 89%

The signs of Leo and Aquarius combined represent ultimate creativity, famous scientific discoveries, the first man in an airplane, and the first man on the Moon. Imagine what these partners could do together if they allowed themselves to be guided by the other when the territory of their domination is before them. They must both learn to let go of the image they have of themselves and of each other, otherwise they will not get very far in their useless ego battle. Hot and cold, heart and intelligence, nuclear gravitation and the vacuum of space, it won't be easy to iron out their differences or form a stable and loving relationship. The best thing they can do is find a cause they will support together. This would allow them to focus on the outside world and delve deeper into the inner emotional world of their relationship while struggling on the outside.

Aquarius and Virgo

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 1%

This is by no means an easy sexual relationship, and unless their birth chart provides strong support, Virgo and Aquarius will rarely be attracted enough to each other to begin a relationship. sexual. Their natures find it very difficult to support each other, they are both intellectual but in completely different ways, and they will probably ruin any chance of a good sexual relationship by overthinking everything, each in their own direction.

Aquarius really values ​​their spontaneity, but who's to say what "spontaneity" really means? They are rational when it comes to sex, and yet spontaneous? Seems strange, doesn't it? The truth is that they choose when to be spontaneous and their intellectual strength often gives them the image of spontaneity because they have seen the result more quickly than other "less spontaneous" people. This could ruin their sex life because Virgo is one of those people who usually thinks long and hard before starting a sexual relationship.

Thinking too much is a real turn off for Aquarius, although he does it too, but at a faster pace, and he will rarely find Virgo's analysis sexy in any way. Shy, thoughtful and sensitive Virgos will have difficulty understanding their naked, weird and often too quick Aquarius partner. It's almost certain that none of them will have enough patience to build their sex life with someone so different from what they need.

Trust: 50%

Their rational natures usually bond them in a trusting relationship, as they both find it stupid to lie or not trust their partner. Although Virgo can be tough on trust, with Aquarius it is obvious, even to Virgo, that a lack of trust would lead nowhere. Still, there's a good chance they'll drift apart, even if their first contact is passionate and strong, because they might just start to feel like they both need someone different. If they want to maintain their mutual trust, they need to keep their relationship fresh and accept each other for exactly who they are.

Communication and intelligence: 40%

Virgo is ruled by Mercury and has a mutable quality, giving it this changeable, mobile and adaptable nature. Aquarius has no problem dealing with Mercury, in most situations, and will certainly appreciate this adaptable quality of Virgo. As a fixed sign, Aquarius is usually set in their ways and this can be difficult to deal with for someone who is willing to sacrifice their happiness, like Virgo. Their communication should be good and their topics similar. They share an interest in many things and are usually excited by similar details.

However, they belong to the most different elements of all - to Earth and Air. As an Earth sign, Virgo can be very slow, too detailed, and rarely inspired enough for Aquarius to feel the need to share ideas with her. On the other hand, Aquarius may seem unrealistic or even crazy to their Virgo partner.

The best way for Virgo and Aquarius to function and be satisfied in their relationship is to take themselves seriously enough. With Virgo's attention to detail, all plans of Aquarius' brilliant mind are possible. Their communication might be tricky and the lack of compassion that Aquarius suffers from will sometimes hurt Virgo, but they still have a great opportunity to combine their minds and form a universal intelligence capable of creating anything.

Emotions: 35%

The emotional roller coaster that Aquarius willingly offers is something that Virgo will likely despise. If they fall in love, they will face a constant struggle for freedom and routine. Virgo is the sign of health and daily routine, and its representatives are often obsessed with their meals or the check-ups they have had at the doctor. Aquarius will in most cases avoid doctors at all costs and the fact that it exalts Neptune will more often than not turn it towards all kinds of alternative medicine, rather than anything typical that Virgo might cling to.

The whole emotional world of their relationship could come down to Virgo worrying about her irresponsible Aquarius partner, and the lack of gratitude she might receive in return. In fact, Aquarius generally doesn't need to be taken care of in this way. This is a complicated emotional relationship because Virgo's worry degrades Aquarius' personality and the best intentions can backfire.

The biggest problem in the Virgo and Aquarius relationship is that they both rely on their rational minds. This leaves no room for the joy of seduction, love and satisfaction, and they generally need a warmer, livelier and more emotional partner in order to both be happier.

Values: 30%

Both Virgo and Aquarius value intelligence and a clear mind. This doesn't mean they will find the same people, actions or thoughts intelligent and they might often have opposing opinions about someone around them. Still, they could motivate each other to develop their intellectual strengths and hold on to that asset if other things in their relationship aren't so good. Other things they enjoy aren't really similar. While Virgo will always choose practicality, Aquarius will choose the unknown and a not-so-understandable reality.

Shared activities: 25%

The work of any artist with a great mind could bring them together and they could easily become interested in similar shows, galleries and plays. Their taste in many things can be almost the same, because the same attention to detail that Virgo cherishes so much, makes some people excellent at their art and that is what fascinates Aquarius. However, Virgo is too cautious and predictable and most of the time will have difficulty fitting into the overly exciting and unpredictable world of Aquarius.

Summary: 30%

Virgo can represent everything that Aquarius runs away from - practical, concerned with health and earthly things, down to earth, freak about cleaning. Imagine how irresponsible, chaotic and unrealistic Aquarius seems to them. Their strongest meeting point lies in their rationality and communication, and this can be used to overcome many problems that their differences bring. Unfortunately, in most cases, they won't have enough chemistry to start a relationship, let alone stay in a sexually satisfying relationship for very long. If they take themselves seriously, they could create incredible things together, thanks to the fusion of their great minds.

Aquarius and Libra

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 90%

Aquarius can really help Libra express their sexuality. Problems with the Libra Sun lead to worrying too much about the opinions of others, so representatives of this sign go to extremes when it comes to how they show their sexuality. They will either have a fear of being judged and seem too asexual, or a need to show it "despite" everyone's opinion, which can be quite repulsive to their partner. When it comes to sexuality, Aquarius has a completely different approach - they simply don't care about anyone's opinion. They live their lives in a constant search for freedom, without taboos and restrictions, and this will help Libra forget about others, at least for a while.

While their sex life can be quite liberating for Libra, it can also be a bit difficult for Aquarius, as he is the one who will have to struggle with Libra's need to fit in. However, as two air signs, they will both tend to be free to express their sexual desires towards each other. They will enjoy experimenting, getting to know themselves and their own inner desires and communicating with ease. Their sexual relations should be a strong pillar of their entire relationship, although they generally consider their verbal way of getting along to be the most important to their bond.

Trust: 85%

Because of their virtuous nature, they could trust each other without exception, if they were that sure of themselves. Their insecurities coincide very well, and they generally help each other overcome them, but the trust between them must be built, it is not implicit. These two signs like to be attractive to different people and they should find a way to communicate this need in the right way. The problem can arise when Libra starts getting attached and becomes emotionally dependent on their partner. This is not something Aquarius will deal with easily and could damage both partners' trust in each other and their entire relationship.

Communication and intelligence: 40%

Both Libra and Aquarius have a certain image to maintain. Libra wants to look good and act pleasant to others, while Aquarius wants to go in the opposite direction of everyone else, sometimes even if there is no reason to do so. They are both rigid in their beliefs and will not easily change their minds once they decide.

Aquarius won't get much pleasure from waiting for Libra to make a decision in their life, nor will Libra appreciate Aquarius' spontaneous and unpredictable nature. Since they both rely on communication, they will have a lot to talk about and will usually find language to resolve all their problems. However, it will not be easy for them to reconcile certain differences in their approach to things. Libra is indecisive, but once they make a decision, they prefer to stick to it rather than save their relationship, even if it's just a meal. Aquarius tends to walk away as soon as he feels obligated to do something, even if it's the same meal. So basically they might have a huge problem over lunch if we're talking about extremes.

However, they generally understand each other well when it comes to usual, everyday things and have similar beliefs that help them deal well with big life changes. Over time, as they get to know each other, their personalities will get along better and they may realize that they respect each other to a degree that is unattainable with anyone else.

Emotions: 80%

Libra is a sign ruled by Venus, which makes them emotional in a way, but we must remember that it is also a sign of exaltation of Saturn and that detachment is something that makes them feel very GOOD. This is something they will get in an Aquarius relationship and it could help them build a very strong emotional bond. They have strangely different goals in life, but if they harmonize them, their emotional connection should be very strong and develop much faster than we would have expected.

The biggest obstacle that could come in their way is marriage, at some point in their relationship. Libra is a sign that represents marriage and finds it very significant as an institution that Saturn would support. Aquarius might view it as obsolete, or even shun it, and will likely only engage in it for practical reasons. It is important not to put pressure on either partner when this point in their relationship arises, or they may both feel pushed away and angry, leading to unnecessary conflict and even the end of the relationship. their relationship.

Values: 50%

As much as Libra will appreciate intimacy, Aquarius will appreciate solitude. This could represent a big problem in their relationship, and the Libra partner might seem clingy and not at all independent, while the Aquarius might seem like an uncontrollable madman who will do anything to destroy every relationship in the world. Nevertheless, they both value communication and intellectual strengths, enough to talk about their needs and desires, which should help them overcome their differences.

Shared activities: 65%

Aquarius will want to do anything, really, as long as their life doesn't fall into a boring routine. Libra will have a hard time deciding what they want to do, which could drive their partner crazy. If anything can send Aquarius into orbit, it's a lack of spontaneity, and Libra can sometimes be the opposite of spontaneity. These partners might find themselves in a relationship in which only Aquarius pulls the strings and Libra follows. This really wouldn't be a good solution for either partner, and Aquarius will have to learn to be patient so that the respect between them remains intact.

Summary: 68%

There is a strong understanding between a Libra partner and an Aquarius because of their common element, air. Yet it can be quite difficult for their troubled Suns to get along and they will often struggle to adapt to each other's character and find deep respect for each other. The best cure for any problem in their relationship is usually time, but with Aquarius' need for spontaneity, they often won't last long enough for time to fix what's broken. Whatever their story, they will have many exciting things to experience together and if they fall in love, it would be a shame for a couple like this not to give their relationship a chance, however it ends. .

Aquarius and Scorpio

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 40%

Contact between a Scorpio and an Aquarius can be really intense. As square signs, they should have very difficult contact, but the sign of Scorpio exalts the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus. These signs combined represent the ultimate sexual freedom, a place without restrictions or taboos. They are a combination of Water and Air, emotion and information, all brought together in a strong scent of attraction. If they become attached to each other and break up, they could end up hating each other and despising everything they shared in their sex lives.

It is very difficult for these partners to find a balance between passion, emotion and rational thinking. While Scorpio's sexuality is hungry, deeply emotional and overwhelming, Aquarius wants to be free of boundaries and emotion, and will really struggle to be with a possessive partner. Their sex life can resemble a battle arena or a wonderland, depending on the flexibility of both and the depth of emotions they share. As two fixed signs, they will most likely have difficulty changing their nature and adapting to a partner who is too different from them.

Trust: 1%

How on earth is it possible that two honest and straightforward individuals like Scorpio and Aquarius have such a problem trusting each other? The problem appears here when they become too close. As soon as Scorpio begins to assume that Aquarius should be calmer and belong to him in a love relationship, the result will be energetic rebellion and counterattack from his partner. Things could really get out of hand if handled, and unexpressed tendencies could tear them apart in minutes.

Communication and intelligence: 50%

As long as they don't give in to their stubborn, unmovable ways, these partners could have great conversations about any weird topic they can imagine. None of them will want to make small talk or discuss their day at work. It's futile from their point of view, and although Scorpio likes to control everything their partner does, it will be refreshing to talk to someone who says unusual things. The greatest quality of their relationship is an incredible connection of depth and breadth in a single couple. They will both struggle to understand our society as it is, and will have some similar perspectives on anything out of the ordinary.

Scorpio exalts the rule of Aquarius and that is why their relationship is the possibility for both of them to develop. Not only will Scorpio adore their partner's intellectual strength, but they will also help them understand how their ideas could be realized through a sense of ultimate possibility.

The weak link in their relationship is their mutual respect, combined with their static natures. We might think that these two signs are about change and that they could not be static, but in fact they are static in the way they change, and their biggest challenge is to stop for a minute and cherish what they found in each other.

Emotions: 1%

If love occurs between them, the most typical scenario is that Scorpio falls into an obsessive mess of feelings towards his uninterested Aquarius partner. It takes a lot of work and commitment to reach Aquarius' emotional core, and it's impossible to get there without spontaneity and trust. Scorpio can be spontaneous in emotionless situations, but they will rarely let their love for someone be part of a maybe-yes-poorly-controlled swing by their partner.

Aquarius rarely tolerates or hangs out with someone who tries to make them more stable and down to earth, or someone who stifles their desire for freedom. As soon as they feel obligated to do something, they begin to pull away and any emotion that might have built up is suddenly covered up by the fear of commitment and the rut of daily life.

If he wants to achieve emotional balance, Scorpio must detach himself, realize that his partner will never belong to him and that he is free to leave him at any time. He will have to understand that this relationship could end tomorrow and that there is nothing he can do about it other than accept it. On the other hand, Aquarius will have to face their emotional depth and be ready to make certain changes in their approach to romantic relationships, in order to be able to understand Scorpio's emotional nature.

Values: 30%

They both enjoy excitement and change, which is a strong meeting point for their characters. Unfortunately, most of the other things they would appreciate in their partner are completely different. While Aquarius values ​​free spirit, communication and independence, Scorpio values ​​commitment, sex and deep emotional connection.

Shared activities: 60%

As long as they stay out of their ego battles, they could find plenty of things to do together. They both like to take risks and their best date could range from skydiving to a night at the casino. The best way for them to spend quality time together is to participate in intellectual activities and competitions, as this will allow them to express their possible hostility in a healthy way.

Summary: 30%

Someone might say that this is a karmic relationship, that these partners were enemies in one of their past lives and that they might fight until one of them drops dead. But that would be a bit extreme. The truth is that Scorpio is the exaltation sign of Uranus and as such it worships Aquarius in a certain way. In most cases, Scorpio's partner will show affection obsessively, but it might actually do Aquarius some good. When we look at the sign of Aquarius, we see that it exalts Neptune, the ruler of the water sign of Pisces, and all our assumptions about their lack of emotionality drown in their ultimate love.

The fact is that they are both, in a way, outcasts and rebels. While Scorpio represents all of our emotions that we don't want to deal with, Aquarius represents the way of thinking that most of us aren't ready for. It's best to think of them as harbingers of change, because that's exactly what they will bring to each other's lives.

Aquarius and Sagittarius

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 80%

Aquarius acts like Sagittarius thinks, which is an asset in their sex life. Their attraction can be strong, especially when the Sagittarius partner is at a crossroads in their life and needs confirmation of their freedom and sexuality. Their sexual relationship will be a lot of fun, because they both like to experiment and learn new things. Their communication will usually bring them such satisfaction that sometimes they won't even need the sexual act to be satisfied.

Although their sexual connection may be very satisfying for both partners, they might struggle to create intimacy. The Sagittarius partner will bring just enough warmth into their relationship, but the mutable quality of their sign will easily make them turn their attention to something else, while the Aquarius partner will always cling to the same things. They will both understand the need for change and incorporate it into their sex lives. However, the emotional connection and, therefore, the intimacy between them might weaken and strengthen, intermittently, too often for both partners to consider themselves perfect partners.

Trust: 60%

They will sometimes know the other's mind too well to be able to create trust from a feeling of absolute freedom. Sagittarius can be a sign prone to infidelity and Aquarius likes to be free to be available. Both knowing these things about each other, they could easily start to question whether or not they should trust each other.

Although they both find that their relationships depend a lot on the level of freedom they have, that's probably something they won't be able to give to each other when they decide to engage in their romantic relationship. The best remedy for either partner's lack of trust is for both partners to realize that their relationship is just an unusual, casual one, free of constraints.

Communication and intelligence: 99%

When Sagittarius and Aquarius find a common interest, it becomes an endless source of new topics, information and can even change their philosophy of life. Aquarius' partner may remain distant for a long time and Sagittarius may feel like a little child, talking excessively about uninteresting topics and trying to establish a connection. When he finally points in the right direction and chooses to talk about something that piques Aquarius' interest, their conversations will become incredible.

Both of these partners are rational and pay a lot of attention to their chain of thoughts. They are both pretty quick to come to different conclusions. Contact between them will arouse their need to compete intellectually and they could find themselves in major debates. When they share a love for something, they will talk about it passionately, excessively, and find new ideas and solutions to incorporate into their approach to the subject. The quickness of Aquarius mixed with the passionate state of constant belief of Sagittarius, could make their relationship one of the most productive in the entire zodiac.

Emotions: 85%

It is difficult to set the scale of emotions in this relationship. Neither partner is very emotional outwardly, although Sagittarius can fall in and out of love quite often. It's a good thing that Sagittarius is so changeable, otherwise they would have a hard time keeping up with their Aquarius partner. Another good thing about this contact is the rational nature of both signs and their focus on mental processes. This will allow them to communicate about their emotions, whatever they may be, without any feelings of guilt or emotional pressure.

When their emotions begin to develop, it will take a long time before they are stable and both partners are certain of their feelings for each other. Sagittarius will change his mind several times, probably going from one extreme to the other because that's what his Aquarius partner inspires him to do. On the other hand, Aquarius will have to first become attached, then wait for the certainty of their partner's love.

Values: 90%

There is so much they will agree on, starting with the usual value of freedom and then moving on to their own qualities and expectations. They will both appreciate the open-mindedness, optimism and faith behind brains, intelligence and vision. As Neptune's exalted sign, Aquarius has a particular approach to honesty, and for Sagittarius, honesty is one of the things they value most.

Shared activities: 85%

There will be activities that Sagittarius will want to engage in, while Aquarius will find them silly or even stupid. They might have difficulty reconciling their approach to religion and any religious activity could be the source of problems in their relationship, as their individual belief systems could be at stake. However, in most situations, they will be able to enjoy themselves wherever they go. Sagittarius will easily smile and follow any Aquarius idea, as long as it makes sense or he has something to learn from it. There probably won't be any place strange enough for these two to once again discover their shared interests.

Summary: 83%

A relationship between a Sagittarius and an Aquarius may seem like a same-sex friendship to other people and whatever they may think, that's the type of relationship these two partners may need. They will get together when it is time for them to go through a change in their lives or to leave a partner with whom they feel limited. Their relationship is often a shining beacon for everyone around them, as it prioritizes the future and brings hope for better times.

The main challenge for Sagittarius and Aquarius lies in their rational natures. Although their spirits may have a wonderful connection, they might struggle to achieve real intimacy and closeness. They both need to slow down and ask themselves how they feel before they end up in a heartless bond in which they find comfort in fleeing the world.

Aquarius and Capricorn

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 5%

It would be easy to assume that Capricorn is traditional and restrictive, while Aquarius is the opposite, but they are both traditionally ruled by the same planet and it would be foolish not to understand their similarities. The main problem in their sex life will be their different rhythm, and this is mainly due to the difference in their elements.

As an Earth sign, Capricorn is slow and detail-oriented. A representative of this sign will rarely enter into a sexual relationship without being attracted and respected by another person, and will want to give their best when sex finally arrives. Aquarius is an air sign, which makes it a bit eccentric and unreliable, although it is ruled by Saturn, the ruler of reliability. They want things to be spontaneous and quick, without thinking too much and as relaxed as possible.

It is very rare for an Aquarius to have the patience to wait for Capricorn to develop a detailed plan, which strongly puts off Capricorn because he does not like things done in haste and in the heat of the moment, especially when it comes to sex. They can both be very passionate when with the right partner, but the starting point of their approaches is usually too different for it to work. Fortunately, the respect they will have for each other could make them very good friends and if they can find the right way to communicate, they could even build a quality sexual relationship on a foundation of friendship.

Trust: 80%

Why wouldn't they trust each other? One of them has iron convictions and the need to never be wrong or make any mistake, while the other is not afraid of confrontation and attaches too much importance to the image of the truth within the human race to want to lie. Their concepts of trust are different, however, and it will be difficult for them to accept each other's natures as they are supposed to be. The lack of trust between them is not really the lack of trust they have in each other, but in the possibility of this kind of relationship working.

Communication and intelligence: 65%

An intellectual relationship between a Capricorn and an Aquarius can be quite painful to watch if you are, for example, a Taurus or a Cancer. They have this distant, cold, silent agreement that they both deserve each other's respect, and it can feel terrifying at times, as they move away from each other in order to stay in that agreement. They would rather not have a relationship than look at each other in a different way, and that is why they could form a beautiful, lasting friendship.

Still, it's important to remember how different they are. Although there is no real freedom for Aquarius if the rules of their previous sign are not followed, it is not easy for them to understand each other's way of life. As long as they hold on to their common interests and mutual love for the seriousness of their bond, they will be able to maintain the image of a strong intellectual bond that makes them both satisfied.

Emotions: 5%

The emotional side of a Capricorn and Aquarius relationship is something truly strange. In general interpretations, they are both meant to be emotionless, detached, and closed to emotional interaction with other people. However, that's not exactly the root of their lack of emotional connection.

As an Earth sign, Capricorn needs emotions to be shown in a physical and practical way. This is exactly why they are often described as selfish, only looking out for their own needs. The more spiritual signs do not easily accept that a person pays so much attention to earthly things like money, or to any material or professional value. Aquarius belongs to the element Air and it is a sign of ultimate global faith, different from any religion or rule a human could have created. They need a heavenly love, someone to share all their ideas with, so they can float together on a cloud to Neverland. They will hardly care about money, food or even sex, if their high spirit gets wings and they get a new chance to dream. In order to form an emotional bond, Capricorn and Aquarius will both need to accept the other side of reality.

Values: 40%

Capricorn values ​​limits and Aquarius values ​​freedom. How could they have a romantic relationship? It is sometimes easy to forget that the sign of Capricorn precedes that of Aquarius and that there would be no feeling of liberation without sufficient pressure. Their roles are intertwined in a strange way and they might find themselves valuing the exact same things if they dig into their personalities a little deeper. To begin with, they both value consistency and loyalty, and they both view all standard human evaluations of people as necessary. They choose their relationships on the same basis when it comes to long-term commitments and rarely let others control them.

Shared activities: 25%

None of these signs lack energy. Capricorn exalts Mars and knows exactly where to drain it and Aquarius doesn't really know what to do with it anyway. Although they won't choose the same activities often, this should help them follow each other long enough to figure out what they might both enjoy. It is enough for the Aquarius partner not to force, insist and accelerate, and for Capricorn not to inhibit, restrict and deny.

Summary: 37%

Capricorn and Aquarius might not find each other that interesting at first. These two signs are traditionally ruled by Saturn, but their roles in the zodiac are entirely different. Their most difficult point in a relationship is their emotional contact. If they want to stay together, the Capricorn partner will have to separate themselves from the ground, just a little, and the Aquarius will have to get a little closer to the Earth. They need to meet in the middle so that Capricorn can help Aquarius bring their ideas to fruition, and Aquarius can help Capricorn make the necessary change in their life and move towards something new.

Aquarius and Aquarius

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 50%

Two Aquarius partners can have a very interesting sexual relationship, full of excitement and experimentation. They will fulfill each other's fantasies without any repression, and will easily find a language in which to connect their strange sexualities. These two partners will have difficulty fitting into the usual stereotypes of sexuality and will rarely understand the usual taboos and restrictions that others tend to impose.

Yet, they might find an obstacle in creating emotional bonds, which might manifest as a general lack of intimacy in their sex life. This won't stifle the desire they'll feel when they're truly attracted to each other, but they might be too detached for either partner to give enough heat or focus to their relationship. This is why, as soon as the initial excitement and attraction begins to fade, and the need for real emotional contact emerges, they might find it difficult to stay together.

However, if they are both looking for a casual fling, this might be the best contact of all the zodiac signs to have one. There will be no better understanding of the feeling of freedom and the need for lack of privacy than these two can have under certain conditions. Unfortunately, this is usually not enough to support their future together and they will likely both need someone they could love more and who would care about them in a different way.

Trust: 99%

There is always an interesting connection between two representatives of the sign Aquarius. They silently understand each other's thoughts on a mental level that no other sign can achieve. When they begin their relationship, their trust will be built on a foundation of freedom, so there will really be no reason for either of them to lie. If one of these partners becomes possessive, they will both go against their beliefs if they decide to stay in this type of relationship.

Communication and intelligence: 75%

Awesome. This is a conversation we would all like to be a part of. Aquarius is the sign of God's voice and the image of the thoughts and reasoning of our higher self. What one Aquarius says to another may be something only two of them understand. Whatever the nature of their relationship, when they talk, they most certainly have an electric connection and ideas fly from one side to the other as if the conversation is their playground.

The problem with their intellectual contact may arise because of their ego issues, which is almost inevitable with two such strong individuals. The Sun represents our self-esteem, respect and individuality, and it is at its detriment in the sign of Aquarius. This could be the reason for a very unpleasant conflict between their personalities, as both of these partners need to establish strong boundaries and easily get lost in their extreme individualities. The best remedy for this situation is for each of them to slow down, breathe, and ask themselves if they are truly giving themselves enough freedom to be who they are.

Emotions: 40%

Aquarius isn't very emotional in the usual sense, but that doesn't mean he isn't emotional at all. Their love is somehow shared by a group of people and, although it's not very romantic, it is very important to them because it forms the foundation of their entire belief system. When it comes to a romantic relationship, two Aquarians may feel a lot about each other, but they are more likely to see each other as friends.

If they fall in love, as representatives of a fixed sign, they will stay together for a long time, although neither of them really cares about how long their relationship will last. The beauty of their love lies in its detachment, as strange as that may seem. Since they know they can never find it again with another partner, they will only get closer once the real emotions start to show.

Values: 80%

It would be fun to assume that two members of the same sign have different values. But when we look at the sign of Aquarius, we see that what they value is closely tied to their home and how they were raised. As two rebellious and opinionated people, they need a similar education if they are to understand each other. The good news is that they both value their freedom to the extreme, which will bring them closer even if they disagree on many other things.

Shared activities: 99%

They may be a little selfish in the eyes of others, but they won't really think about it when they are together. They can go anywhere and do anything, as long as it's interesting, educational, or exciting enough. The best thing about a relationship between two Aquarians is that they can share extreme activities that other people don't understand. So, if one of them loves paragliding and the other loves climbing Mount Everest, why wouldn't they do those things together, one by one, until all their wishes come true?

Summary: 74%

It can be strange to imagine an Aquarius in love with another Aquarius. When you study astrology, one of the first things you learn is that Aquarius is the sign of divorces, breakups, and freedom from regimes and relationships. As a sign that carries the opposition within it, it's often not easy to be with any zodiac sign, but it's exactly something both can understand in each other. If they truly respect each other, there's a good chance they'll learn to understand other things in each other's lives too.

As crazy as it sounds, these two partners have a high chance of staying together because they know each other better than anyone. However, they are rarely attracted to each other, and even when they are, it is very difficult for them to form a deep emotional bond. When they do, well...the sky's not the limit.

Aquarius and Pisces

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 50%

The sign of Aquarius exalts Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. There is a strong connection between these two signs, and in their sexual relationship, things will definitely never be boring. At first glance, they don't really go well together, one being romantic, looking for the perfect love, while the other is distant, looking to be free of all emotion. Still, their sex life can be quite amazing if Pisces doesn't get too attached and finds a way to keep their distance until their partner shows emotion.

As a mutable sign, Pisces understands constant change and the exhilaration and excitement of the sexual act. Aquarians will follow happily, with a little less enthusiasm because they are, after all, rational. The beauty of their sex life could lie in the creativity, the play of emotion and the perpetual questioning which will bring even more excitement and emotion to the whole relationship.

Unfortunately, in many cases, Pisces just wants their emotions to flow and they end the relationship, rather than deal with constant disappointments. The best chance for a satisfying sex life between an Aquarius and a Pisces partner is in a scenario where the Aquarius already has some emotions to share, before their relationship even begins. They need a good starting point and the Aquarius' ability to show their emotions from time to time in a way that their partner will understand.

Trust: 50%

Trust is the most important issue for this couple and it can go from one extreme to the other. Depending on the state of their intimacy, they may find themselves covered in lies or completely devoid of them. Aquarius' nature can be a little aggressive from time to time and their personal needs for rebellion don't really help Pisces feel safe enough to share intimate thoughts. Pisces' potential emotional dependence may cause the Aquarius partner to give in to their lying skills in order to feel freer.

The only way for them to establish unconditional trust is to use their ability to sense the other's true core. If Pisces understands Aquarius' soft side, the one that lies far beneath the surface, they won't run away from telling the truth. When intimacy is found, Aquarius will finally be able to stop running away from commitment and the problem of lack of freedom will automatically be resolved.

Communication and intelligence: 35%

They can dream together, but unfortunately they will almost never realize any dreams. The lack of reality in their relationship could hurt them both and they might not even know where the problem lies, while they feel frustrated with their relationship. The sign of Pisces should be able to anchor the ideas of the Aquarius partner, since its element is closer to earth. However, they often get lost on the path to doing something concrete, especially when they feel like it doesn't align with their own mission.

The understanding between them is not always very deep and, although they can have a lot of fun together, they will have different approaches to the same things that interest them. For example, if they start talking about religion, they will find themselves in a philosophical battle with no real value. In the end, Pisces will feel bad because they even tried to rationalize their faith, and Aquarius will feel like they spoke to a foggy image about something resembling an opinion.

Emotions: 1%

Aquarius is distant and impersonal while Pisces is eager to attach his fairytale love to someone. Their relationship could be exhausting for the Pisces partner if they try too hard to find the answer to the feelings they might be experiencing. Their partner's distance will most certainly exhilarate them and create a special emotional roller coaster for Pisces that could lead straight to disappointment.

They will be able to create a safe emotional environment for each other only if the initiative comes only from the Aquarius partner. Pisces should be completely silent, uninvolved, feminine and responsive. As soon as idealization appears, the beautiful balance will be shaken and Aquarius' feeling of freedom will be disrupted.

Values: 50%

The connection between these signs simply does not allow them to stray too far from each other and their values ​​will be largely the same, but entirely different in their realization. They will both appreciate freedom in all its forms, love of humanity, excitement, change, inspiration, their ideas and their dreams. For Aquarius, this love of humanity means absolute justice, equality and freedom of expression. For Pisces, this would mean the eternal sound of the ocean as a blessing that brings us here. If we apply this significant character difference to all the other things they enjoy together, we will see that they will need a lot of deep understanding to overcome their differences.

Shared activities: 40%

It's a good thing that the Pisces sign is always open to change, because Aquarius will be happy to provide it. Their interests may be quite similar and with some compromises, they could find lots of things to do together. Pisces will happily go to an art exhibition, but why not make a modern one so Aquarius can be just as interested? Their problem lies in the perception of romance and disagreements about things couples should do together. The Pisces partner will want things that are unusual, surprising and exciting, but followed by romance, physical pleasure and deep emotional understanding. The Aquarius partner, on the other hand, will want inspiring conversations, intellectual stimulation, and preferably some extreme activities included.

Summary: 38%

Like all neighboring signs, Aquarius and Pisces don't necessarily have the best understanding of each other's personalities. However, the sign of Aquarius exalts Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, and this gives them a strong bond across the planet of all magic. It's not easy to create the fairy tale version of this contact, but once they find emotional balance and the fundamental truth for each other, they will have no problem maintaining their fairy tale alive, day after day.

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