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Compatibility with Gemini in love, life, sex, communication, friendship and trust

Cosmic Compatibilities

Aries Compatibility

Taurus Compatibility

Gemini Compatibility

Cancer Compatibility

Leo Compatibility

Virgo Compatibility

Libra Compatibility

Scorpio Compatibility

Sagittarius Compatibility

Capricorn Compatibility

Aquarius Compatibility

Pisces Compatibility

Gemini and Aries
Gemini and Taurus
Gemini and Gemini
Gemini and Cancer
Gemini and Leo
Gemini and Virgo
Gemini and Libra
Gemini and Scorpio
Gemini and Sagittarius
Gemini and Capricorn
Gemini and Aquarius
Gemini and Pisces

Gemini and Aries

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 90%

When Aries and Gemini engage in sexual activities, who knows where they might end up. With Aries' libido and Gemini's ideas, they could be a little too creative and be judged harshly by those around them. It's a good thing they don't care too much about other people's opinions anyway. In its healthy image, it is mostly a combination of passion, energy and curiosity. In a less healthy picture, their sexual relationship may be full of mean words and verbal abuse. The good thing is that neither is overly sensitive and easily hurt, so it can be exciting and unique to their respective experiences.

Since Aries is a warrior by nature, Gemini's sexual approach may be too playful for their liking, but that's usually only until they open themselves up to the perpetual play provided by their Gemini partner. Their main goal is to remain as uninhibited as possible, so that the air sign of Gemini can give oxygen to the fire of Aries.

Trust: 40%

Lack of trust is probably the biggest problem in this relationship. Aries is passionate, ruled by Mars and can be very jealous. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the trickster of the zodiac, who always changes the face he presents to the world. Most Gemini representatives are not even aware of their basic individuality, convinced that they change their personalities overnight. While it's not exactly true, the feeling Aries can get from them isn't exactly a recipe for trust. Because of this, Aries can become angry, Gemini is distracted and distant, to the point that Aries starts looking for another partner even if the relationship is not over and Gemini doesn't even care more.

Communication and intelligence: 85%

Aries is simply not the master of the art of conversation. Gemini is a sign ruled by Mercury and conversation is their main life theme. Even though they talk less than a typical Gemini usually does, their inner dialogue should be rich. Both partners should approach the relationship as if Gemini is there to teach Aries how to have a good conversation. Since Gemini likes to be in a teaching role and likes to be in a relationship in which their partner learns something from them, this should be a good approach for both. Provided that Aries' ego allows this "submissive" role.

However, we are all aware that there are Gemini representatives who simply talk too much about unimportant things. This would be a reason for Aries to lose his temper and consider his partner superficial and even stupid. This loss of respect is really bad for their own ego, since the decision to be with this partner was theirs in the first place. They need to remember that there is always someone in the world who doesn't think this Gemini is stupid and that everyone deserves to be with someone who doesn't see them in that light. When this lack of respect occurs in their relationship, Aries should consider letting their Gemini go and looking for someone who is a better fit for them.

Emotions: 60%

The emotional realm is tricky territory for this couple. The Aries partner has hot, passionate emotions and has difficulty expressing them. Geminis often don't go very far beneath the surface to look for someone's hidden qualities and aren't really very emotional by nature. So it's a mix of an emotional partner who can't communicate how they feel, and a rational partner who talks about everything else. The good thing is that Aries has no shortage of fierceness to get Gemini's attention and make them listen. When they can connect in a constructive dialogue, it is possible for them to explain their position and feelings to each other, and thus establish a good basis for a future emotional exchange.

Values: 75%

When you calculate the fact that Aries values ​​a person's ability to be clear and concise, and Gemini needs to talk about everything, it seems pretty obvious that it's not a perfect match. Now think about Gemini. It's pretty hard to think of any of their values, except that they enjoy anything interesting, and that's an understatement since they find almost everything interesting. This is not entirely true. Gemini partners appreciate someone's knowledge and literary abilities, as well as a keen rational mind. This is something Aries can accommodate to a certain extent, if he doesn't react impulsively to everything Gemini says.

It's not difficult for these partners to meet each other's needs, but if they don't share the same upbringing, interests, and strength of character, they might view each other as unworthy of their affection.

Shared activities: 50%

Gemini likes activity, even if some activities can be mindless, and Aries will feel liberated in this relationship. It's hard to say who will lead and who will follow, because Aries always leads with its atomic energy, while Gemini always comes up with new ideas and initiatives. They constantly motivate and challenge themselves and never say “no”. The choices of activities proposed by Aries have to be really aggressive and ridiculous for Gemini not to engage in them. If Gemini thinks of something that Aries might like to say no to, their ego won't let them do it and they'll go for it anyway, just to prove they can do it. Such excitement should be followed by sufficient rest and time at home.

Summary: 74%

The overall impression of this couple would be good, exciting and stimulating, a relationship where both partners can learn a lot and be active in a healthy way. The main problem in their romantic commitment is lack of trust, especially if the Aries partner gets too attached to Gemini, always fighting for their freedom. The need for conversation with lots of essence is more important than any positive or negative aspect of their relationship and both should always keep this in mind. In general, there's a good chance these two will end up together, because their shared love of adventure is bigger than most of their problems.

Gemini and Taurus

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 5%

Taurus is a sensual Earth sign that has a deep need for physical contact and joy from all the senses of the body. Geminis need intellectual stimulation and don't care so much about spending time in someone's arms. It's not like they don't need to be touched, we all do, but they need to know that they are loved and accepted in so many different ways and touch is just the one of them. After all, they are one of the air signs and in their world thoughts must be preoccupied, while strong communication is something that gives the possibility of a good sex life.

While Taurus might stay at home, in bed, all day, cuddling his beloved and ordering food, Gemini would love to go out and be intimate in all the not-so-intimate places. Their sex life could become the source of most of their problems, as soon as Gemini gets bored or Taurus gets annoyed by the lack of emotional essence.

Trust: 10%

Trust can be a real issue for this couple. Not all Geminis are trustworthy when someone tries to tie them down. Taurus, in most cases, lives for the day when he will be linked to someone simultaneously. If they don't start their relationship on a clear and sincere basis, where the first thing they learn about each other is the level of commitment each of them wants, a real trust issue will arise. easily.

The Gemini partner will begin to think of excuses to evade any obligations imposed on them by Taurus, just to avoid hurting them. In response, Taurus will sense that something is wrong and begin to obsess over their partner's behavior and the things they say. This can go as far as absolute distrust between them, especially if Taurus gets really angry and becomes "vindictive" in his usual passive and stubborn way.

Gemini's intentions are often misinterpreted here and this can lead to a number of subsequent situations that will hurt them both. It is very important that they discuss in detail what they both want as their relationship develops. This way, they will be able to avoid misunderstandings that could lead to an irreparable lack of trust.

Communication and intelligence: 60%

Taurus is a sign that precedes Gemini. In the astrological sense, this means that the sign of Gemini would not exist if Taurus were not there. In fact, this means that Gemini's partner wouldn't do much if their physical needs weren't met. This is where their relationship has a strong connection, as the Gemini partner might need someone like Taurus to take care of their body and their needs.

It's very easy for an air sign like Gemini to forget to eat breakfast or get a few hours of sleep each night. There are so many interesting things in the world that they just don't want to miss. The Taurus partner could cook a healthy meal, take care of their finances, and insist on a daily schedule that would give their Gemini a good energetic foundation to invest in their ideas.

In general, their interests are not that similar, but they can find a way to communicate, because neither of them lacks gentleness and ease with words. If the Gemini partner decides to slow down a bit and the Taurus opens up, they might even discover that it's possible for them to have fun together. After all, they are ruled by Venus and Mercury, two inner planets which, when combined, are responsible for fun, sweet words and the art of conversation.

Emotions: 35%

They are unlikely to share their emotions easily and appreciate each other as they would with other representatives of the zodiac. Yet Taurus has a soft side that can melt even the coldest of hearts. In most cases, their best chance of having a romantic relationship lies in the love that Taurus feels. We wouldn't say that Gemini is callous or unemotional, but they certainly have a different approach to their emotional nature than the Earth sign of Taurus, which exalts the Moon.

When Taurus falls in love with a Gemini, he will do anything to understand his nature. There is nothing that Taurus's gentle nature cannot understand, even if it is different from his personal primitive character. When Gemini feels this deep, stable understanding, they may respond in a warm, childlike way, learning that they can be free even when in love with someone like Taurus.

Values: 1%

While Taurus values ​​the Earth, the material world, its emotions and what is stable in its life, Gemini values ​​the Universe, the world of ideas, its rational mind and change. This is where their differences and elemental natures diverge sharply. They must really work to accept the true value of their two worlds in order to iron out their differences.

Shared activities: 25%

They might find activities to enjoy together, but not at the same pace. Gemini likes things to be quick, yet exciting, and Taurus would like to examine everything from start to finish, fix the value of each activity and decide carefully whether he wants to repeat it or not. This will drive their Gemini crazy. It's best for both of them to walk, a lot, as this can keep Gemini grounded, while Taurus always needs movement so as not to end up in a static, inert, horizontal state. They might connect their passionate natures through some kind of art, especially if they can find a way to create something together. With Gemini's ideas and Taurus' practicality, combined with their need for beauty, this should be a true work of art.

Summary: 23%

The relationship between Taurus and Gemini is not very promising at first. Yet the fixed quality of the Taurus sign can give them enough stamina and persistence to last in their intention to be with a Gemini, long enough for them to really get to know each other well. Although their chances of reconciling their differences are slim, if the Taurus partner puts their heart into it, they might succeed in becoming the most important part of Gemini's life, their foundation and dependability in everything they do. If they completely accept each other, Taurus will offer Gemini their connection to planet Earth, their bodies, and their daily routine, giving them the foundation for health and normal functioning. In return, Gemini will give their Taurus wings and, better yet, teach them to fly.

Gemini and Gemini

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 80%

When we think of two Geminis in a sexual relationship, it's normal for us to laugh a little. The image that comes to mind could easily be two people with split personalities, trying to make love by butting heads and talking at the same time. Although they most certainly have an abundance of information about sexual activity, only after gaining some experience can they become great lovers. It is very rare for a Gemini, as an air sign, to be practical-minded and find a way to manifest what they have read or heard into the realm of reality and the physical body. Their greatest quality is their ability to learn. With their desire to become great lovers, they will absorb knowledge through each of their relationships like a sponge.

Two Geminis together will share information and coordinate their previous experiences with each other. They will be more satisfied when they teach their partner something than by sex itself. With their open minds and creative minds, there probably isn't a single place they wouldn't want to have sex, or a position they wouldn't want to try. It's not like they're flighty, but they find joy and excitement in the change of scenery, especially if there's relative movement as well. So imagine a train, the toilet of an airplane or any other means of transport in which it is possible to hide.

However, their sex life can become empty when the excitement has passed if neither of them has enough depth to bring into the sexual act. They aren't even aware of the focus and emotional connection they need, until they find the right partner. In general, this is not another Gemini. Their hearts should be dug up and their relationship to sexuality changed, before they enter into a relationship with one of their fellow human beings. Any other scenario probably won't satisfy them for very long.

Trust: 50%

They may not trust each other, but they don't really care. They both know each other, so it is easy to understand the other in his changing, superficial and eccentric moods. In fact, one of them is moving out in two minutes and the other in three, so how can they trust each other to stay? If they knew what they were going to do, they might be able to build trust with someone so much like them. It's not something that will bother them. If anything, it will give them the freedom to be themselves, but will rarely keep them in a relationship for too long.

Communication and intelligence: 99%

Communication between a Gemini and another Gemini never stops. They jump into each other's sentences and use every possible communication tool, starting with the usual phone conversations and chat that turns into dozens of chat variations, depending on which emoticon they want to use. When they get together, there is always something to share, an idea to discuss and a distance to walk. It is wonderful to watch them together as they find someone who understands them and speaks the same language. As long as there is enough respect and listening between them, the intellectual side of their relationship will be intact.

Emotions: 70%

The Gemini sign is not very emotional at first. The good thing is that they both know this and find a rational explanation to benefit their mutual lack of emotion. Yet each of them feels the need to achieve something they cannot have. The more open Gemini is to be expected to form a deep emotional connection with their partner, although their feelings may not be returned.

Since they rely on an intellectual connection with someone, they might find true emotional satisfaction in their communication, but this is easily broken by the fact that mental compatibility is not the same as emotional compatibility, and even less sexual. Often they deny it and hold on to what they have, until one of them is taken away by someone who stirs up their emotions with their silence.

Values: 99%

When we say "freedom" we think of Aquarius, but in fact, Gemini values ​​freedom as much, if not more, than their friend Aquarius. This is a value that two Geminis will share passionately. They don't like to be bored with tedious details, the obligations of a meaningful relationship, or their partner's need for compassion that is not to be asked for. The problem is that they think too much and feel much less. If they could get out of their head for a few seconds, they might realize that their chest is crying out for intimacy, closeness, and compassion.

Shared activities: 99%

This title says it all. They share activities. All activities. If one of them wants to do... basically anything, the other will follow out of pure curiosity, and vice versa. Even if the two don't really want to do something, they will do it together out of curiosity. After sharing an experience, they filter it through the mind, talk about it, and move on to the next one. These two never stop and no one can follow them like they can follow each other.

Summary: 83%

The relationship between two Geminis will almost certainly give other zodiac signs a headache. They will go everywhere together, do everything together, and talk to each other about everything, over and over again, until one of them loses interest in the other. Due to their possibly superficial approach, it is best if they have already had deep relationships before meeting. This might give them the quality needed to stay together longer than a week or two.

In most cases, this is not a relationship they will want to stay in, although their mutual understanding is perfect. It's like they're too similar, and at the same time a relationship of too many personalities. If each of them is not united into one person, they will need someone who is, to maintain their balance and not let them dissipate. In case they have built personalities and each of them understands their own inner core, they can probably live forever and never consume the energy that their connection brings.

Gemini and Cancer

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 5%

Gemini would go outside and have the weirdest sexual experiences, and Cancer would stay home and wait until night to be loved by their loving partner. This isn't always the case, of course, but it's very rare that a Gemini partner manages to relax their Cancer and involve them in their sexual adventure. However, there is a link between them, quite strong in fact. Cancer continues the sign of Gemini, and in a way their nature is a consequence of endless conversations and rational explanations.

If the Gemini partner has enough patience to talk to their partner about the same things over and over again, over time they could build enough intimacy to have a good sex life. For this scenario to develop, Cancer must also speak. It won't be enough to say a sentence or two and expect the Gemini to understand how he feels. If they can communicate, Cancer might actually awaken the depth in their Gemini, giving them enough support to express their more emotional sexual personality.

If they want their relationship to work, their sex life needs to fall somewhere in the middle—intimate enough and exciting enough—so that both partners are satisfied.

Trust: 25%

The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury, our little trickster. It's not easy to trust a Gemini partner, especially if one of them tries to take away their freedom. As a rational sign, they generally find no reason to lie or cheat on their partner, as long as they do not feel threatened by intimacy they are not ready for, or bound for.

The main task of Cancer in a relationship with Gemini is to let them be free. If they start living together, Gemini will have to stay out of their love nest and Cancer will spend a lot of time alone. It's a challenge, but both signs can have enough dedication to their personal values, and these partners should know not to ruin their relationship with petty lies.

Communication and intelligence: 70%

There's probably not a single zodiac sign that Gemini couldn't talk to, so their communication skills score this category a little higher in any case. In their relationship with a Cancer partner, they usually feel the need to open up a little more and share things they wouldn't with other people. There is a certain "maternal" radiance around Cancer, man or woman, which gives Gemini enough space to release their inner child.

This can actually be a wonderful relationship that lasts much longer than other Gemini relationships, as there is usually enough understanding in Cancer for their childlike partner. If other aspects of the relationship are sufficiently satisfying. It can be said that Cancer and Gemini are good friends and this could give a push in the right direction towards their emotional and sexual understanding as well.

Emotions: 10%

The main negative possibility here would be in the fact that Gemini doesn't always listen. Gemini is often said to be a superficial sign, but in fact, they like to stay afloat and stay away from difficult conversations because of their need to move forward. Cancer may try to share their emotions too often for Gemini to have enough patience to understand them, and this can be devastating to their emotional relationship.

On the other hand, Gemini doesn't really show their emotions in a way that Cancer will easily recognize. It's a good thing that they are able to find emotion in anything and anyone, so they might have a chance to understand the emotional nature of their childish Gemini.

Values: 1%

They have completely different systems in which they evaluate things in life. While Gemini is a rational sign, placing value in everything that comes out of their mind, Cancer is an emotional guru, placing value in the things their heart beats for. When it comes to relationships, they are probably most vulnerable to differences in this category, because the differences here make their primary goals different. Although they are both motivated to find love, the way their partner acts in a relationship could be considered "bad" due to its opposite nature to what each of them values.

Shared activities: 15%

The activities that Gemini and Cancer might share depend mainly on the Cancer partner's energy level. If they have enough to keep up with Gemini's chaotic schedule, they might find plenty of enjoyable things to do together. Cancer is a sign that exalts Jupiter, and its representatives love to travel, as much as they love to feel at home because of the sign itself. Although the Gemini partner doesn't really need to go that far, they might find common ground by traveling to places they both want to visit.

However, the main characteristic of Gemini is their curiosity. It will take them in all directions, they will feel the need to try everything and find new and exciting experiences to share with someone. Unfortunately, Cancer doesn't really appreciate this. As long as the relationship is new, everything seems exciting and breathtaking. Over time, Cancer will want to settle down, imagining them buying furniture together and raising children. It is not easy for them to accept that this nature that Gemini has is not something that will be different tomorrow. There is no question of settling down with a Gemini partner. That’s just not their mission in life.

Summary: 21%

Gemini and Cancer are side by side in the zodiac, and they are likely to be side by side in friendship. When it comes to emotional or sexual relationships, there seems to be too much separating them. For their relationship to last, they both need to make some adjustments. Gemini will almost never change their routine for someone, especially when they find someone's lifestyle boring, so the best thing to do here is to give them their freedom. If Cancer falls in love deeply enough, they will understand what their Gemini partner needs, and won't hold them back even if they wish they were different.

The Gemini partner must open their heart and listen to the few words that Cancer wants to share. Although they can talk about a lot of things, when it comes to discussing their relationship, their views on it are different. Gemini needs to keep the situation interesting and Cancer needs to be heard, as well as felt. If they give each other enough freedom and understanding, they could be like children in love for the first time.

Gemini and Leo

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 90%

Whatever Leo would like to show off, Gemini would happily examine. They are very well matched when it comes to sex, as Gemini gives their relationship ideas and excitement, while Leo brings energy, creativity, and love. Their sex life can be boosted by their intellect and communication, as they both appeal to their conscience and spirit. If Leo feels good in intimate relationships with his Gemini, as a fixed sign he will give them stability and a chance to last together for a very long time.

Gemini is childish when it comes to sex, and rarely connects deep emotions with sexuality. Leo could be the perfect partner to teach them how to make a real, intimate connection if they're not preoccupied with themselves. They will both want to experiment, have outdoor sexual encounters and will enjoy being naked. This is a perfect relationship for both partners to overcome shame and any kind of fear regarding intimacy and sexuality.

Trust: 45%

Geminis and Leos can be poor listeners when it comes to the needs of others. One of them is distracted by everything and the other only focuses on his own needs. As a result, they might find themselves in a situation where their relationship lacks trust and it may take them a while to realize this, as they won't ask questions at first. Due to their nature, they could get lost, each satisfying their own needs. This will lead them into all kinds of situations they don't want to share with each other, even adultery. It is essential that they share and listen to each other from the beginning, so that both can satisfy their partner's needs instead of letting them slip away.

Communication and intelligence: 95%

Both Gemini and Leo are rational and focused on their mental activity. Leo has a deep emotional background, but he pays a lot of attention to the words and intellectual strength of his partner. This is where Gemini steps in as a devotee, to admire their Leo partner and teach them a thing or two.

If they are in an emotional relationship with each other, they will likely talk about everything else except their feelings. Leo may need it, in general, but his Gemini partner will easily seduce him into taking another direction. Both don't need to use sweet words and if Gemini tries to use their way of speaking, it will only work until they start to sound fake. There's not a lot of room for thought, and they'll both probably say the first thing that comes to mind. This is a great way to build trust between them, if they don't judge each other in the process and share some emotions along the way.

However, there is a problem with the "perfect" Leo Sun. This position gives Leo so much energy that he sometimes feels compelled to burn everyone around him by imposing his will. This is a strange need for Leo, since the sign is very supportive of the Sun, but it is there. They usually have this idea of ​​changing the world and making it a better place, and this can drive their Gemini partner crazy in case they don't have enough room for their own opinions.

Emotions: 85%

The warmth that Leo is ready to give to his Gemini partner will hardly leave him indifferent, while the charm and childish nature of Gemini will arouse wonderful emotions in Leo, day after day. Although the mutable quality of the Gemini partner doesn't really mesh with the fixed quality of any sign, with Leo it could be a perfect match due to their warm, supportive and respectful nature.

If Leo has enough patience to wait for Gemini's emotions to surface, they might get more than they bargained for. The beauty of their relationship is the awareness of both of them, leading to the verbal display of emotions, once they feel safe with each other. If they both recognize the love, it's a wonderful love story full of support, respect and always something new to discuss.

Values: 99%

Above all, they both value intelligence and clarity. As two signs ruled by planets responsible for our mental and rational behavior, they will respond perfectly to each other's needs. Gemini values ​​their partner's independence and their own freedom, and that's exactly what Leo can provide them. On the other hand, Leo always appreciates the inner child in his partner and that is exactly what he will get from his Gemini.

Shared activities: 80%

It's a good thing that Gemini wants to go everywhere and do everything, otherwise these two might have a big problem finding activities they want to share. This way, Leo can take his activities to the "next level" by going to all the places Gemini suggests, but a fancy and expensive version. Although Gemini doesn't really want to spend that much money, Leo isn't afraid to pay for everything, as long as he doesn't feel used.

However, Leo can be very lazy. Geminis are always on the move, and need to do at least three different activities every day. When Leo has time to rest, he will probably want to watch TV and switch from the left to the right side of the couch all day. It's something that could drive a wedge between their worlds, but generally they have enough respect for each other's needs that they can separate their activities and be very happy together. Neither of them is needy and they don't want to spend every moment of their life with their partner, which will give them both enough freedom - for Gemini to move and for Leo to rest.

Summary: 82%

Geminis and Leos can have so much fun that the rest of the zodiac might envy them. They both consider their day to be best spent with laughter, and if they share their friends, they might seem like a perfect couple. Their main challenge is the difference in their approach to change and they both need to make room for small adjustments in their behavior if they want their relationship to last. Leo will need to make room for more movement and understand what seems to be the "floating" of their changing Gemini partner, while Gemini will need to understand that Leo is actually keeping them together for however long they are meant to last . Their mutual respect can usually overcome any limitations, and they should continue to have fun and build their relationship on a solid foundation of childlike joy.

Gemini and Virgo

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 5%

Both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury, a not very sexual planet at first glance. However, this affects them differently, as Gemini is a masculine sign, always ready to explore, while Virgo is a feminine sign, shy and sensitive. Their sexual relationship shows little promise, but they both have a need to communicate. If they find language that they both understand, they might be able to agree on how their sex lives should progress. However, there is a good chance that endless discussions will not result in mutual understanding, which will make them distant and reluctant to share sexual experiences.

If they fall in love, they will show enough tenderness and respect to make their sex life work, but it will still rarely be satisfying for both partners. They are both curious, but not in the same way, and have an extrovert vs. introvert conflict. While Gemini would often like to be free to get naked and run around the streets, Virgo would prefer everyone to keep their bodily fluids to themselves. To top it off, they both need verbal stimulation, but the words each would like to hear are often not the words the other person knows how to say.

Trust: 1%

What a combination! With Virgo's trust issues and Gemini's cunning nature, the two are about to go crazy. The good thing is that they are not prone to jealousy, otherwise they would probably kill each other after a few weeks. Gemini is not someone Virgo can trust. When Virgo begins to doubt and analyze everything, Gemini simply flies away, in the best case scenario. If they have contact through malefic planets, like Mars, it will not end there, but in endless fights and conflicts over trust and loyalty.

The key here is for Gemini to come back to planet Earth and respect their partner's sensitive nature. They can build their security and be free to be who they are at the same time. Likewise, Virgo will have to open up, or they will never find a way to stay together.

Communication and intelligence: 80%

They are ruled by the same planet, master of communication, Mercury. They may have their differences, but we wouldn't say their communication is bad. Even if they argue, they will always know how to talk. Their view of the intellect might be a little different, however. Gemini's superficial nature can seem extremely stupid to their Virgo partner. This will cause Gemini to be even more irritating, because they are anything but stupid. In return, Gemini will see Virgo's obsession with details and think they are crazy. Virgo probably won't fight this, but will sit in her room and cry, alone, in the dark.

They must find a way to recognize each other's "flaws" as good qualities and they will succeed if each of them lets their partner help them. When these minds unite, there is no problem that goes unsolved, for together they are Mercury in all its glory. These signs have the mission to unite and transform celestial ideas into real life, and to elevate human knowledge step by step, towards divinity. This is a relationship between the Air side of Mercury and its well-grounded and well-thought-out Earth side. We must not forget that the sign of Virgo exalts Mercury; Virgo can therefore exalt her Gemini partner, if only she would settle down.

Emotions: 55%

Geminis are considered not to be very emotional. Virgo brings Venus to her fall and rationalizes everything. Yet there is an interesting emotional side to both cases. Gemini is located between Taurus and Cancer, two strong, feminine and maternal signs. This means that the sign of Gemini is formed from Taurus and forms a basis for Cancer. How can he lack emotion then? Virgo has a Venus problem, true, but does that make Virgo emotionless?

Their biggest problems are speed and fear. Gemini simply doesn't stay in one place long enough to build an emotional connection or recognize how they feel, while Virgo strives to reject Venus and with it love and all earthly pleasures because she thinks she doesn't deserve any of this. Both signs have a quick little planet in common, and if they touch each other's hearts, they will understand their partner's occasional need to escape, or run away.

Values: 70%

They are both fans of intelligence, resourcefulness and practicality. However, their approach to basic intelligence is different and they will not always recognize it in the same way. In fact, their relationship can show us exactly how relative intelligence is. Their meeting point is actually in their emotional intelligence, not our typical intelligence. However, they value rationality, a person's ability to reason, and the practical use they make of their hands and brain.

Shared activities: 30%

It's a good thing they both like to read, so they can visit a library every now and then. Virgo will probably stay there a little longer, not even noticing that her Gemini partner got lost and accidentally found an emergency exit that she had to use to see how the big handle on the huge red door works. The lack of self-esteem that Virgo constantly suffers from will cause him to question every place and activity his Gemini partner wants to take him to. Even if they try to hide it, their hesitation will be felt and Gemini will prefer to go alone rather than pushing someone to accompany them.

These two signs are mutable and, as such, tend to change locations, interests, relationships. This can keep them moving together, if only Virgo was open enough to have new and exciting experiences and Gemini found a way not to get lost.

Summary: 40%

The Gemini and Virgo relationship can change like the wind, as both partners lose and find each other on a daily basis. Their mutual love for Mercury is what binds them and what tears them apart, as they both tend to overthink things instead of following their hearts. Both are mostly in their heads, each in their own way, and must respect each other to the point of not judging anyone's intelligence on a superficial level. If they fall in love, they will become a unification of Earth's Air and Mercury - heaven on Earth.

Gemini and Libra

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 80%

Both Gemini and Libra are guided by the element of Air, which should give them a head start on their mental connection and verbal understanding. When it comes to sex, this is a plus, as they will both be free to communicate whatever bothers or satisfies them. Libra's fragile ego can be lifted by Gemini's charm and approach to sex. They seem to know how to make things a little less serious and this will help their Libra partner open up and share their emotions through sex as well. When the Gemini partner sees how gentle Libra can be, despite seeming so fussy and cold, they won't have much choice but to share their emotions equally.

The main goal of their sex life is, in fact, to balance these emotions. Libra is a sign ruled by Venus, sexual, sensual and seductive, while Gemini is ruled by Mercury, having no sexual or emotional wisdom. The basis of a good sex life between them is their curiosity, because Libra is always curious about their partner, just like Gemini is curious about everything else. Although Libra may be indecisive, Gemini will have no problem thinking of a different approach and finding new techniques, new words, and new adventures to spice up their sexual encounters.

Confidence: 95%

When Libra decides to be with someone, even if it's after a long, hard inner battle, they will likely believe their words and actions. When choosing a partner, they choose him for his character and frank nature. Libra has no reason to doubt their own judgment and will likely believe their Gemini in all cases except when their dishonesty is too obvious. In return, Gemini will respect Libra's need to flirt in order to be accepted and liked by others. Not only will they not find it threatening, but they will actually enjoy a consequence of this behavior – their own freedom.

Communication and intelligence: 60%

The Gemini partner is very opinionated and Libra tends to take many things their partner says as a personal insult. Although Gemini will, in most cases, follow their rational nature and comment on things simply because they want to talk, it will be difficult for Libra to overcome some of the things they might say. The Libra sign is very sensitive to any sort of imposing will or criticism and will recognize it even if Gemini has no idea what their partner is imagining. Who can say which of them is right?

Since two people cannot agree on everything every time each of them opens their mouth to speak, Gemini and Libra can have very hurtful and difficult communication due to mutual lack of tolerance. The Gemini partner would rather go blind than accept that he lacks tolerance, but the truth is that he can be quite strict when it comes to someone's mental activity and opinions. Libra is in most cases quite hurt by the pressure on his personality produced in his primitive family, so he will have a very bad reaction to this behavior even if Gemini didn't mean anything bad.

The main problem here is that Gemini lives to learn and teach what they have learned. They often present themselves as someone who knows things, and Libra may see this as a need to prove their intellectual dominance. Even though it's not their intention in most cases, sometimes a single sentence spoken by Gemini can hurt Libra for years. Libra can learn from a teacher, from someone who has proven their worth, but hardly from their know-it-all partner.

Emotions: 90%

The way Libra's emotions develop is something that really suits Gemini. They seem to be in sync as Libra's partner searches for depth, and Gemini flies everywhere in search of a new discovery. They won't even notice as the love between them starts to show, with one of them running around and the other thinking about why they wouldn't be perfect together.

It could be said that neither is very emotional, but Libra is ruled by Venus, so there is a strong connection to an emotional plain here. The problem develops when they both talk too much about their emotions, while neither of them stops to actually feel. They can remain detached and distant, unless Libra falls in love deeply enough to follow their Gemini partner wherever they go, and Gemini falls in love deeply enough that all words lose their meaning.

Values: 55%

While Libra will appreciate consistency and someone being responsible and reliable, Gemini will be very different from that, with opposite values ​​as well. Gemini will appreciate a person's creativity and intellectual strength, something Libra cannot respond to if their Sun is at its lowest. Their meeting point is in their value of intellect, strange as that may seem. They are both air signs and pay a lot of attention to their partner's mental personality and way of thinking. They might find a way to tease each other with words, seduce each other, and ultimately find a way to communicate everything else - in case they both care enough.

Shared activities: 85%

Libra is the typical chameleon of activities when falling in love. She wants to examine her partner's world, from start to finish, and will happily follow him in all his activities expecting the same in return. However, it can end unhappily, leaving Libra with depleted energy and unfulfilled wishes. Geminis don't care about following their partner just because they want to be followed. Both should keep their expectations low and let their partner surprise them with something new and exciting. They will enjoy various activities together, but to do so, they must start by respecting each other's boundaries and desires.

Summary: 78%

Gemini and Libra partners aren't always a perfect couple, although their signs are mutually supportive. If the Libra partner has trouble being alone and doing things on their own, this is not something the Gemini will easily understand. Due to their lack of personal boundaries, Libras will often let their Gemini partners run the show until all their energy is exhausted and they feel like they just have to lie down and turn off their power. brain. If they want to work on their relationship and be happy, Libras need to respect their Gemini partner enough to let them be their teacher, lover, and friend. In return, Gemini will need to take care of their Libra partner, respecting their boundaries and their need for privacy.

Gemini and Scorpio

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 1%

A sexual relationship between a Gemini and a Scorpio is like a connection from the deepest and highest point on planet Earth. Gemini is so far removed from the emotional world of Scorpio that a good sexual relationship between them seems to be something almost impossible to achieve. This couple needs to be supported by other positions in their birth chart if they want to have any chance of lasting in a romantic and sexual relationship.

Gemini can be superficial and there is no other sign that knows this better than Scorpio. Their Air element combined with Mercury's rule and lack of emotion is close to Scorpio's worst nightmare. Scorpio is the sign of our deepest emotions, and as such it is linked to the most intimate side of sexuality. When they begin a relationship with a Gemini, it probably never occurs to them that such an asexual person could exist in the world.

If they fall in love with each other, they both have a lot to learn. Scorpio places great importance on their sex life and can be very creative when relaxed. However, they tend to create a dark, sadistic or masochistic atmosphere that Gemini can only laugh at. If their mutual respect is at a very high point, Gemini could teach Scorpios that not everything has to be so fatalistic in their sex lives. In return, Scorpio will give their Gemini partner a depth and emotional vibration to sex that they have never experienced before.

Trust: 5%

Scorpio trusts everyone until they don't. They have this strange, possessive nature that can give ultimate trust to their partner until the first worm of suspicion is created, usually through lack of seriousness and respect. They like things to be clear and unambiguous, and are willing to be unconditionally honest, expecting the same in return. This is where Gemini comes in and asks a simple question: How can I be honest if I don't know what my truth is in the first place? It's ridiculous to expect such honesty from a Gemini partner when they are so prone to change and have no idea what they will feel or do tomorrow. Nevertheless, they have a gift for communication that can save the day, but it can only be used if Scorpio does not feel threatened because of a heartbreak from which he never recovered.

Communication and intelligence: 20%

It's a good thing that Gemini can communicate with anyone. They will be moved and intrigued by the nature of Scorpio, and very curious as usual. This will be amplified by Scorpio's depth and interesting topics, to the point where they become too dark and depressive. This is something Gemini doesn't want to bring up if they don't have to. Unfortunately, Scorpio doesn't think he can learn much from Gemini. Although they may wish to be more superficial, when they come into contact with someone less profound, their ego sparks and they feel dominant because they are just the way they are. They will almost never respect Gemini for this, and may try to feed off their personality in order to add quality to their own.

If they share interests and have similar professional or educational orientations, they could complement each other very well. Gemini will give ideas and discover new information, while Scorpio will dig in and give a true essence to everything. Their communication can be inspired if they put themselves in this mode and start accepting each other's qualities. They have so much to give to each other and it would be a shame if they kept their relationship in a conflict of egos for too long.

Emotions: 1%

Lack of emotional compatibility is what ruins their sex life and gives them both a headache. If one of them falls in love with the other, they will hardly be able to have a good time if their feelings are not returned in the same proportion. It could be said that it is difficult for them to get in sync, because the emotions that Scorpio would give freely are something that Gemini should be brushed off for. They don't seem to be on the same emotional scale and this can leave them both unsatisfied or pressured to a breaking point. The best option for their joint emotional world would be for both partners to give what they can and not expect anything in return.

Values: 20%

The good thing about their relationship is that they both appreciate strength of thought. Although Scorpio appreciates many other aspects of someone's personality, they will be impressed by that person's intelligence and resourcefulness. Gemini will focus on the same thing, but have a slightly different assessment of someone's intellect. However, they can agree to have something in common of equal value, even if other things they seek will be very different.

Shared activities: 40%

A great thing about these two is their openness to change. Gemini will want to change the landscape and Scorpio will want to change their life, happily taking Gemini's baby steps toward that goal. Scorpio is a fixed sign, fixed in changes of enormous proportions, and the mutable quality of Gemini will bore them in most cases. Nevertheless, they can understand their need for different experiences in life and the excitement they always seek. Even if they aren't excited about the same things, there will be enough excitement for both partners to choose the path they decide to take together.

Summary: 15%

Geminis and Scorpios are usually bored with each other. None of them will understand their partner's personality lightly. For Gemini, their partner will seem too depressed and gloomy for no apparent reason, and for Scorpio, it could be an experience without purpose or depth. If they fall madly in love, they might bond over their mutual love of change and giving each other the exact things they're missing. Gemini would get a deep emotional satisfaction that they have never felt before and Scorpio would finally get the chance to rest his troubled soul, and realize that not everything has to be taken seriously. It is a relationship rich in lessons and an enormous capacity for personal development for both partners.

Gemini and Sagittarius

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 90%

Gemini and Sagittarians have this strange approach to sex, childish and light as if they don't really care about it. When they are together, they usually get strangely involved in emotions that neither of them really understands. Their sex life is something to cherish, easy, open and without pressure of any kind. They will both enjoy their sex, followed by laughter, creativity and joy. As two children in adult bodies, they might experience a sense of shame together if they don't have much experience.

When they meet a little older, there is a small chance that both have not had enough sexual experiences and partners to understand each other's personal needs and desires. This may make them both a little selfish, but if their communication continues, there's no reason for this to be a turnoff for anyone.

It's strange, but sex isn't really important to these partners. They are looking for someone to complement their mental personality, someone to talk to and who will give them a purpose. This is why they may decide to remain friends after a breakup, because their original principle was to build a strong relationship based on their personality, rather than their sexual or emotional nature.

Trust: 99%

If anyone can understand their partner's need to not be faithful, it's these two. Strangely, this can lead to ultimate fidelity, as there will no longer be excitement in the secrecy and mystery of parallel relationships. Sagittarius is not someone who can tell a lie and keep a straight face, and they are usually very disturbed by the lies of others. Geminis can lie so easily that they sometimes don't even know they're lying. When they are together, it all becomes something to have fun with and they might play a trust game until they build it on a solid foundation of mutual respect.

Communication and intelligence: 99%

Awesome ! This kind of understanding is truly something to be cherished. A problem can arise when they are both preoccupied with pursuing their personal values ​​and fail to see what they have in each other. As opposite signs, they generally complement each other, but it comes across strongly in this segment of their relationship. With Gemini's ideas and flow of mind, there is nothing Sagittarius cannot learn or share, being both a student and a teacher. Curiosity goes both ways and they will spend days learning from each other and absorbing shared experiences.

The only thing that can interfere with the quality of their mental connection is the possible fear of intimacy that builds in the meantime. This force of personal exchange stops being mental and starts being emotional at some point, and as two signs that aren't exactly emotional to begin with, they can be frightened by the intensity of the emotions that surface when they are together.

Overall, this is a couple you want to spend time with, every day. They will literally share happiness with each other and those around them. They can make anyone love and smile, because when they are in love, they sincerely laugh and have a lot of fun together. Gemini's "here and there" nature will have new meaning and purpose through the eyes of their Sagittarius, while the search for ultimate truth can be so much easier for a Sagittarius with the mind of a Gemini. Their optimism and eloquence will multiply, day after day, until one of them becomes frightened and decides to fly away or death separates them.

Emotions: 95%

It is quite strange to think about the emotional aspect of the relationship between a Gemini and a Sagittarius. These two signs have a non-emotional side, but their contact develops so many emotions that perhaps neither will be able to cope with it. They are not used to feeling as much, and when they "click", Sagittarius might discover the new meaning of life and Gemini a synthesis they never had the chance to experience. This can really be a fascinating love story, if only they don't run away from all these emotions.

Values: 70%

There's this important thing that they both value - things that have meaning. As opposite signs, it might seem that Gemini is scattered and superficial, while Sagittarius is collected and deep, but in fact, they have the same core in that everything must have meaning. Usually we associate this with the sign of Sagittarius, but Gemini has it in their approach to everyday words and actions. Their Mercury cannot stand senseless words, stories without meaning and without purpose, whatever that purpose may be.

Shared activities: 99%

Not only will they share every activity that either of them can think of, but they'll also laugh along the way, whatever they decide to do together. This positive emotion and this pure joy that they can share, becomes a kind of happiness drug for both of them and they no longer want to be separated. As two mutable signs, they understand each other's changeable character and flexibility, perfectly capable of finding all the right reasons why everything they do makes perfect sense. There comes a time when they become irritating to those around them, like two spoiled children who don't care about anything, but as long as they are this happy, why should they care?

Summary: 92%

Gemini and Sagittarius make an incredible couple, being probably the most innocent of all the oppositions in the zodiac. They don't often find each other right away, but at some point in life it's almost certain that a Gemini will find their Sagittarius and vice versa. Their relationship has a strong intellectual connection, in which they will gradually find deep emotions. There is no real prognosis on how it will end though, as the emotions they feel could easily scare them and their relationship could end purely out of fear. If they decide to give in and find out what they could share, with Gemini's ideas and Sagittarius' beliefs, the sky is the limit. Or is it beyond?

Gemini and Capricorn

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 1%

There are some activities that don't require a lot of words, and in Capricorn's humble opinion, sex is one of them. Then Gemini comes and starts explaining each position, the interesting overview of the Kama Sutra and the beauty of outdoor sex. It's almost unbearable to watch these partners with their completely different philosophies as they try to maneuver their sex lives.

For Capricorns to experience sex, their partner must be able to truly relax them and open their minds. With Gemini, they feel like they're taking care of a child who's going to get into trouble, getting naked wherever they feel like it. Although this is not actually the case, this is how it may seem to Capricorns, who rely on traditional values ​​and always take responsibility for their actions.

In most cases, they won't even be attracted to each other. If they become sexual partners, chances are Gemini will find their Capricorn partner uncreative and rigid, while Capricorns will think Gemini too unconventional. The strangest thing about this combination of signs is the fact that they will probably both consider each other boring. Yes, everyone will say that Capricorn can be boring and Gemini is so interesting and fun, but in fact, the lack of concentration and deep feelings that Gemini's partner usually suffers from is a huge turnoff for Capricorn. All things considered, these two aren't exactly the best sexual partners among the zodiac signs, but they could be a meeting point in a relationship with enough boundaries and creativity from both partners.

Trust: 50%

A typical Capricorn representative will not be easily fooled. The Gemini partner may tend to flirt a lot and consider "mild adultery" as normal. For a Capricorn, it's all about thinking about a crazy person, and there are no "levels" of adultery in their world. What is clear is clear. Yet, because of Capricorn's trust equation which makes life easy for them, they will tend to trust Gemini. In fact, they will trust their own interpretation of what Gemini says.

Capricorn always goes a little further than the rest, and Gemini rarely puts as much thought into their alibis. This is why Capricorn will read them so easily, probably knowing exactly where they have been and what they are being dishonest about. Gemini, for their part, will find Capricorn so square and within the rules that they will not even doubt their fidelity and honesty, even if they have something to hide.

Communication and intelligence: 25%

It can be said that Gemini can talk to anyone and solve any problem by communicating. Unfortunately, it doesn't mean much to a Capricorn when he recognizes the lack of essence in his partner's words. However, they will always have a lot to talk about because there is always that serious side of Gemini in one of their personalities that will have a thing or two to share with a strict and sometimes difficult Capricorn.

It's a good thing that Gemini is interested in literally everything in the world and outside of it. So if nothing else works, they can always talk about space stations, diamond stars and other galaxies. Capricorns are interested in things that have deep, hidden meaning, they view them as equations to be solved, and they admire people who solve problems. They could spend their lives in this strange analysis that is not so much focused on details as Virgo's might be, but on the bridge between different worlds. Capricorn is fascinated by the before-and-after logic behind every little thing, and that's where Gemini can help them make a list to investigate.

If they are at peace and don't see each other as stupid, distant, or boring, they might help each other build a better understanding of the world. Capricorn's stable and secure nature could teach Gemini to make plans and organize their thoughts and actions, giving them a chance to move every thought forward. In turn, Gemini's childlike approach can be something wonderful to incorporate into Capricorn's life to be happier.

Emotions: 1%

Ruled by Mercury and Saturn, these two signs aren't very emotional, but the real problem lies in the fact that they don't usually spark emotions in each other. Although these two signs can have relationships with other unemotional signs in which they feel aroused with their partner, when they are together they can be immune to each other's charm. There just isn't much connecting them and their emotional relationship mostly comes down to Gemini's dark thoughts and Capricorn's emotional distance.

Values: 5%

Gemini truly appreciates information in all its forms, someone's ability to speak beautifully, use their hands creatively, and implement ideas for a higher purpose. Capricorn appreciates stability, punctuality and honesty. Although they are both dazzled by their partner's independence, the rest of their worlds rarely coincide as much.

Shared activities: 10%

They both walk a lot, it's true, but the divergence in their motivations is almost unbelievable. Capricorn is a sign of useful things, and they will want to have a useful activity, whatever it may be. If they're going for a walk, they'll want to do it to get from point A to point B, or to have a healthier lifestyle. When Gemini wanders, they never know where they're going to end up. They may have started their journey on the way to the supermarket, but a phone call later, they are already in their car, heading to another city. It's a good thing that Gemini always wants to learn new things and Capricorn likes routine and dedication, so they have a solid foundation for studying and solving problems constructively. However, in most cases their paths take different directions.

Summary: 15%

Gemini and Capricorn partners make a very strange couple. Although they both look for things that the other has, they don't seem to recognize them in each other. While Gemini needs someone to ground them and give them depth, when they look at Capricorn, they see someone old, immovable, and boring. Capricorn needs joy and relaxation in his life, but Gemini seems to be a ball of uncontrollable, superficial opinions that go nowhere. In truth, they could have a valuable experience being together, sharing their different lives day in and day out. They might even discover that they work well together and have the ability to achieve any goal they put their mind to.

Gemini and Aquarius

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 85%

Gemini and Aquarius could probably have sex just through verbal stimulation. They do not need to get naked to have a sexual experience, although they will want to be naked all the time to free themselves from all the human restrictions represented by clothing. They will get lost on their way to a place and make love there. Or elsewhere. But no matter, they are looking for soulmates and want to have fun at the same time.

They will both be turned on by the intellectual side of their relationship and if they want to be satisfied, they must consider each other intelligent. Neither Gemini nor Aquarius will ever engage in a serious relationship with someone who, in their eyes, is stupid. Even what they call a "meaningful sexual encounter" should be done with someone who has enough wit and something to say.

They can have sex anywhere and neither of them would mind. Gemini is a bit childish and can be ashamed in certain situations, but when Aquarius takes over, Gemini will realize that there are no limits to their freedom of expression. These partners will try everything, communicate excessively and quickly learn about each other's bodies and how to satisfy them. Yet their relationship might lack emotion and true physical intimacy. This can cause them to drift apart, often without realizing that they both need something else from their partner.

Confidence: 90%

Trust is a strange thing for this couple. It must be emphasized that they will trust each other. Aquarius finds lying ridiculous and Gemini generally feels free enough not to lie. On the other hand, Aquarius understands everyone's need for privacy, as it is a sign where Neptune is exalted. Both will likely have this ultimate trust for their partner and are rarely deceived due to their premise of giving and receiving freedom as a top priority. None of them will get any satisfaction from telling stories or lying when there are so many interesting things to discuss with their weirdo partner, and so little to share that will be judged.

Communication and intelligence: 99%

When Gemini and Aquarius engage in intellectual debate, they are fun for everyone to watch. They stimulate each other's minds to such an extent that they draw out arguments that they did not suspect existed in their thoughts. While Gemini will likely be fascinated by Aquarius' ever so rational and humane belief system, Aquarius will have the opportunity to relieve his ego problem a bit with his Gemini partner.

Gemini's mutable quality will allow them to adapt to some of those rigid Aquarius attitudes and opinions, even if they don't agree. Geminis have this gentle nature that understands the flow of social contact with other people, and will rarely fight for their beliefs with someone they feel really close to. This is a good thing for their daily lives, but in general it can present a problem because Gemini's authentic personality could be stifled until they are unsure of who they are, once again.

It's important that they have enough flexibility for each other, no matter how different their premises are. However, it is best if they share the same philosophy of life, which is usually the case, otherwise they risk drifting away and losing interest in each other. As two representatives of the air, they find that communication is the solution to all problems, but do not know how far they can stray from Earth with their unrealized ideas and unfulfilled goals because too much talk and too little action.

Emotions: 40%

It could be said that Gemini and Aquarius understand each other perfectly when it comes to their emotions. This is generally true, but that doesn't mean it's what they both need. Gemini's unstable nature can make them change their minds or emotional states every day, and if they don't feel good in a relationship, they will break free without thinking much about why they had to do so. Aquarius is always in a hurry to break free from anyone or anything, so a breakup wouldn't really be something strange in their world.

In most cases, their rational and mental natures will complement each other in exciting ways, but there isn't much emotion to build at the heart of their relationship. It seems these two partners need to find someone a little warmer to feel things more deeply and ignite their passionate hearts. They will become friends much more often than lovers, even if they were attracted to each other when they first met.

Values: 95%

Suffice it to say, they both value intellect. The rest is just something the other signs worry about. However, Aquarius can be very passionate about their human beliefs and will often support them forcefully. This is something Gemini can understand but rarely supports. Since the Aquarius partner values ​​the equality of people as much as their own freedom, this may be their point of separation, even if the Gemini partner doesn't really disagree.

Shared activities: 99%

Aquarius is the only sign capable of truly surprising Gemini. They are so different from everyone else and represent a stage that Geminis must climb if they want their life to be amazing. This isn't always the case, as some of Aquarius' quirks can be bluster, engineered by their need to fix their turbulent Sun. Still, it's exciting for both of them to enter into this relationship - Aquarius to surprise and Gemini to follow them wherever they go. Their main activity to share is movement. They might drive thousands of miles just to find a specific ice cream or for no reason at all. Typically, they can do everything together, from traveling to clubbing to reading the labels and instructions for using different kitchen utensils.

Summary: 85%

Gemini needs a partner who doesn't bore them or make them feel inhibited. If we look at things from this angle, we can say that there is no better partner for them than the fabulous Aquarius. Aquarius needs someone who understands his grandiose ideas and discusses each of them with him, and also someone who doesn't make him feel inhibited. Who could do this better than Gemini? However, they might find themselves in a relationship that doesn't have enough emotion and compassion, and this is sure to surface as soon as the first troubling thing happens in either partner's life. They need to work on their emotional foundation and non-verbal understanding if they want their relationship to last.

Gemini and Pisces

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 15%

It's a good thing that Gemini's approach to sex is so creative, otherwise they would really struggle to form any sort of intimate connection with Pisces. They may be attracted to each other due to the fact that they are ruled by Mercury and Jupiter, the same planets that rule their opposite signs. However, there is a good chance that they do not recognize each other as sexual beings or keep a certain distance from each other.

Geminis have great creative potential, but aren't exactly looking for their one and only love to have sex. Pisces, on the other hand, exalts Venus, and they only want to have sex with the love of their life, unless they've been disappointed too many times. If they meet after these many disappointments, Gemini will not find Pisces very attractive, because they will no longer have any energy or childish charm.

If their sex life is going to be functional, both of them will have to find a way to be a little more down to earth than they normally are. Gemini will have to realize the truth behind their own emotional nature and give in to true intimacy, while Pisces will have to accept their partner's differences instead of looking for a soul mate with predefined qualities.

Trust: 1%

Trust is already a weak point in almost any relationship these two can have and when they get together, there's a chance they will have no idea how to create any trust between them. They have completely different ways of dealing with their emotional relationships and self-image issues, and they will think of many different ways to twist the truth when they are together. Unfortunately, when one of them lies, they don't have much success. Gemini is too intelligent to let their Pisces partner lie to them, and Pisces senses their Gemini partner's state too well not to realize that he is not telling the truth. In fact, they both delve into each other's unconscious and see each other in ways neither of them see each other.

Communication and intelligence: 20%

There are always a fairy tale or two to share between them and something to enjoy when they go out. They'll laugh together, but it's a strange connection with a lack of real communication. Gemini may decide to make a joke and Pisces will laugh without really thinking about it. Pisces will then say something to tease Gemini and the latter will laugh without thinking about it. It's like they never really listen to each other and sink into a strange pool of superficial relationships and small talk.

If they start discussing their deep thoughts and feelings, they may find themselves in a conflict that neither of them anticipated. You could say they idealize each other, but only to a point of recognition. Neither Gemini nor Pisces will think of each other as their true love, unless they actually are each other's true love. They will therefore have this image of the other which is deviated from reality, due to the fact that they do not really listen to each other. The only possible way for them to have an in-depth conversation is in a situation where they have absolute emotional intimacy, as is usually the case with family members.

Emotions: 1%

Gemini is one of the most rational signs of the zodiac and Pisces is inveterate romantic and one of the most emotional signs. When they fall in love, they are rarely on the same frequency and often only one of them has real emotions for the other. They represent the ideal candidates for an unrequited love scenario and can be a nuisance to everyone around them if they find themselves in a relationship without emotional balance.

Values: 5%

They both value what they stand for and while Gemini appreciates someone listening to them and loving them unconditionally, that's not the same as the passionate love the Pisces partner wants to have. In general, they will both cling to what they know best and Gemini will appreciate intellectual strength and will not be very perturbed by dishonesty as long as their image of the relationship is not disrupted. Pisces will appreciate their partner's reliability, and trust is at the top of their priority list.

Nevertheless, there is one thing they will share, hidden in the fact that they both appreciate someone's creative ability. Even though this arises from different views of creation, it can bind them together in the act of creation. Pisces will provide the talent and inspiration and Gemini their ingenuity and practicality.

Shared activities: 15%

When we talk about Gemini and Pisces, we must keep in mind that these two signs are mutable. Although their interests may be very different, they might find activities to share because of their mutual need for movement of any kind. In general, Pisces dreams of movement rather than moving, and that's exactly what Gemini could teach them: how to take the first step.

Summary: 10%

Gemini and Pisces are square signs that often don't have much in common. They are both positive enough to have a superficial, pleasant relationship and go well together in large social gatherings. They can both forget to call each other when they agreed, and they can both change their minds in two seconds, but they just don't share the same goals. As a strongly mental and strongly emotional sign, their lack of understanding can be hurtful to Pisces and sometimes both of them. If they fall in love and begin a romantic relationship, chances are it won't last very long.

However, there is a beauty in the creative side of this relationship and if Gemini decides to really listen to Pisces, they could help them use their talent constructively. In most situations, Pisces will only drain energy from their Gemini partner, especially if they find themselves in their fragile, needy mode that some other signs might understand much better than Gemini. If they want to succeed in their persistence in being together, they should work together and socialize a lot. The most important thing for both of them in this relationship is to reach into their emotional hearts and surrender to true intimacy, otherwise they will never be able to communicate.

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