Chakra Elements

The philosophy of Ayurveda is based on the presence of 5 elements, which are the building blocks of the entire universe (the macrocosm) and our physical body (the microcosm).
According to this ancient (5,000 year old) Vedic holistic healing modality, each human being has a different balance of the following elements (Pancha Mahabhutas):
- Ether / Space (ākāśa)
- Air/Wind (vāyu)
- Fire (agni)
- Water (jala)
- Earth (pṛithivī)
Yes, all of these elements are found in the chakra system, and we are going to talk about them in more detail in this article.
The order of these elements is important. The Earth element was created last, and it evolved from the interaction between the previous 4 elements.
We are all unique, and each of us has a different balance of these elements.
These five principles have been distilled into three constitutional forms, also known as the 3 Doshas in Ayurveda:
- The Vata person has dominant elements of ether and air.
- The Pitta individual is composed mainly of the elements Fire and Water
- Kapha is composed of the elements Earth and Water
Do you want to know what dosha you are?
We have created a very easy to follow guide on this subject: Ayurveda the 3 body types.
Now let's see how these Ayurvedic elements correspond to each chakra in the body.
What are the elements of the chakras?

There are 7 chakras in the human body and here are the elements associated with each chakra:
- Root Chakra (Muladhara) – Earth Element
- Sacral chakra (Svadhishthana) – water element
- Solar plexus chakra (Manipura) – element of fire
- Heart chakra (Anahata) – air element
- Throat chakra (Vishuddha) – ether (space) element
- Third eye chakra (Ajna) – element of light
- Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) – Thought
Let's take a look at all the chakra elements with their corresponding colors and symbols in table form:
Chakra Symbol | Chakra Name | Sanskrit Name of Chakra | Chakra Element |
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Root Chakra | Muladhara | Earth |
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Sacral Chakra | Svadhishthana | Water |
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Solar Plexus Chakra | Manipura | Fire |
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Heart Chakra | Anahata | Air |
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Throat Chakra | Vishuddha | Space / Ether |
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Third Eye Chakra | Ajna | Light |
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Crown Chakra | Sahasrara | Thought |
Now you have probably noticed that the third eye chakra and the crown chakra have “elements” of Light and Thought associated with them.
This information is based on Anodea Judith's book "Wheels of Life. A User's Guide to the Chakra System". Many other sources state that the upper 3 chakras (throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra) are related to the element Space (Aether) (which is also correct).
However, in this article we are going to follow Anodea's modern philosophy on the elements of the chakras, as she has spent many years researching the subject of chakras.
Let's examine the qualities of these chakra elements, one by one.
1. Root chakra ~ earth element (Prithivi)
Earth is obviously the densest and most stable element. It is also the strongest element compared to the other four elements.
The root chakra governs your primary instincts for survival, security and stability. The fundamental energy of the 1st chakra, and the Earth element, will allow you to feel safe and grounded in your own body.
According to Ayurvedic philosophy, the Earth element is closely linked to your sense of smell and your skeletal system, including your nails and teeth.
2. Sacral chakra ~ water element (Jala)
Your body is 70% water, and all of your bodily fluids, such as the lymphatic system, circulatory system, synovial fluids in joints, etc. are controlled by the element Water.
Continuous movement and change are the key aspects of your sacral chakra and the Water element (as opposed to the grounded stillness of the root chakra).
A balanced sacral chakra allows you to freely express your emotions and sexuality, be more creative, and experience the pleasures of life with all your senses.
3. Solar plexus chakra ~ fire element (Agni)
Transformation is the main aspect of fire. The element of fire is the force of change. The solar plexus chakra governs your metabolism and digestion. In Ayurveda, this transformation process is called digestive fire.
The solar plexus chakra governs your personality, ego, determination and self-esteem.
A balanced and healthy solar plexus chakra allows you to be energetic, just like the Fire element, and move towards your goals with great strength and complete confidence.
4. Heart Chakra ~ Air Element (Vayu)
The Air element is present in your body in the respiratory system. It controls your breathing and the distribution of oxygen throughout your body.
The heart chakra is responsible for your ability to express unconditional love, empathy, kindness, sincerity, compassion and acceptance towards yourself and others.
The energy of a balanced heart chakra is similar to the attributes of the Air element: it is expansive, soft, and formless.
5. Throat Chakra ~ Space/Ether Element (Akasha)
Aether represents a hollow void or “empty space.” According to Vedic philosophy, it is the first element to be created.
The Space element is omnipresent, and it offers us the freedom to move and express ourselves.
The throat chakra is used to express your authenticity through sound and speech. Communication through sound is your first gateway to going beyond the limits of the physical body.
6. Third Eye Chakra ~ Light
Light is electromagnetic energy that travels faster than all of the previously mentioned elements (sound, wind, fire, water and earth).
Across the spectrum of light, many types of waves are invisible to the human eye (e.g., x-rays, radio waves, or UV radiation).
The third eye chakra is directly linked to the pineal gland located in your head, which is known to have light photoreceptors (similar to those in your eyes).
The third eye chakra is the center of intuition, lucidity, imagination, visualization, and your main portal to moving beyond duality.
7. Crown Chakra ~ Thought
The crown chakra element is deeply distinct and non-measurable. Thought is the first and finest representation of the infinite field of consciousness that surrounds us.
The main function of the crown chakra is to connect you to the divine force and merge with the energy of the Universe.
A balanced crown chakra will allow you to achieve your greatest spiritual fulfillment and feel divine harmony with everything around you.
As you can see, the seven chakra archetypes are based on ancient Ayurvedic philosophy, also known as the "science of life."
According to Ayurveda, the body, mind and consciousness work together to maintain perfect balance.
These ancient visionaries understood that we are all made of the same “matter” as the universe, and that we are one with it.
I really hope this article was helpful and gave you a better understanding of how all the elements of the chakras work together.
If there is anything you want to add or share with everyone, feel free to post it in the comments section below!