Heart chakra stones

Name : Heart Chakra or Anahata (in Sanskrit)
Location : At the level of the sternum at chest level (opens towards the front)
Color : Green, pink, gold
Element : Air
Function : Gateway between earth and cosmos, home of universal love
Body Parts : Forearms, arms, heart, diaphragm, shoulders, hands, blood circulation system, immune system, lung tissues
Dysfunction : Hypersensitivity, intransigence, emotional problems, withdrawal into oneself, tendency towards masochism, dependencies
Fears : To be hurt, sad
Glands : Thymus
Stones : Agate, Garnet, Alexandrite
Sound : F
Sense : Touch
The heart chakra (Anahata) is the fourth energy center from the bottom, located in the middle of the chest, near the heart.
Here are some of the main functions of the heart chakra:
- love
- Empathy
- Goodness
- Forgiveness
- Unit
- Compassion
The main color of the heart chakra is green. However, some of the stones that correspond to the energetic frequency of the 4th chakra are pink.
Green is a naturally calming and soothing color, as it encourages an overall feeling of harmony and balance. The dynamic energy of green (seen specifically during the spring season) represents growth, expansion and openness.
Green chakra stones will bring harmony to your heart center, help you in your relationships and bring new opportunities into your life.
Pink stones, such as rose quartz, rhodonite or rhodochrosite, are wonderful for your fourth chakra because they stimulate your heart and allow you to connect to the energy of unconditional love.

Now let's see which are the best stones for balancing your heart chakra.
1. Rose Quartz
Typical colors: light pink to bright pink.
Helps with: self-love, forgiveness, compassion, relationships, stress and anxiety, clearing energetic blockages, good fortune.
This powerful pink crystal vibrates with the energy of unconditional love. Rose quartz is very often called the "stone of the heart", because it stimulates the loving energy of the heart throughout the aura.
Rose quartz is the best crystal for purifying the heart. It is also a universal stone of regeneration and can be used for physical and spiritual healing. Its vibration is nourishing, gentle, soothing and calming.
2. Emerald
Typical colors: green, green-blue, yellow-green.
Helps with: self-love, relationships, fertility, good luck, stress and anxiety, wealth and prosperity.
This beautiful green gemstone is very often called the "Stone of Successful Love" because it offers healing energy to your heart chakra, and it restores balance between partners in a relationship. Emerald has a calming effect on your emotions, and it can be used to heal your heart after an unsuccessful relationship.
3. Malachite
Typical colors: different shades of green.
Helps with: empathy, unconditional love, electromagnetic pollution, psychic protection, aura cleansing.
It is a mesmerizing green stone of protection, which is known to absorb negative energies from your aura. Malachite will help you develop a healthy relationship with yourself and others.
Malachite has a pleasant stabilizing energy that makes you feel more relaxed and emotionally balanced.
4. Rhodonite
Typical colors: pink, pink-pink to red-brown, red, gray and yellow.
Helps with: self-love, relationships, emotional pain, compassion, self-confidence, optimism, focus.
This beautiful pink stone is also known as the "stone of self-love and unconditional love", so it is perfect for healing your heart chakra. Rhodonite will balance your emotions and protect you from envy or jealousy.
Rhodonite is a wonderful stone to have in your life as it promotes joy, compassion, healing and balance.
5. Amazonite
Typical colors: light green, blue-green.
Helps with: meditation, empathy, compassion, self-love, mental clarity, relationships, electromagnetic pollution.
Amazonite is remarkable for instilling empathy and compassion. It will help you realize that you are not the only one in the world facing challenges.
Amazonite is also an excellent energy filter. This stone can be extremely useful to you, especially if you regularly use a computer, tablet, smartphone or microwave oven.
6. Peridot
Typical colors: from pure green to yellow-green.
Helps with: aura cleansing, overcoming fear, forgiveness, attracting abundance, relationships, compassion.
Peridot, which is associated with the sun, has been prized since the dawn of humanity for its defensive abilities against the forces of evil.
Peridot carries the peaceful and harmonious energies of compassion and kindness. It encourages a feeling of rebirth and regeneration, which helps to shed old patterns and habits. It is often prescribed for times of conflict in intimate relationships because it has a calming energy and it brings peace.
7. Chrysoprase
Typical colors: from light green to dark green.
Helps with: self-love, forgiveness, empathy, joy and happiness, kindness, financial abundance.
According to the Greeks, chrysoprase was the sacred stone of Aphrodite, whose sacred color was green.
Chrysoprase can be used to heal the energy of the heart chakra and facilitate a much greater flow of energy into this area. By using chrysoprase to calm the energy of the heart chakra, you will enhance your romantic and intimate life.

How to use heart chakra stones
There is no right or wrong way to use heart chakra stones. However, I will give you some creative ideas on how to include them in your daily routine:
- Meditate with your gemstones and crystals.
- Place the stones on your physical body (in the middle of your chest, around your heart).
- Place the stones in different locations around your home.
- Wear your heart chakra gemstones as a form of jewelry.
- Use them during your bath.
- Create your own beautiful chakra crystal grid by combining them with other chakra stones.
Table of the 7 chakras
Want to know more about all the other chakra stones and their meanings?
We have created a complete guide to chakra stones, which will show you how to choose the right stone for your chakra, how to use chakra stones, and how to activate your crystals.