Tables, Infographics & charts on the 7 chakras

Root chakra

Sacral chakra

Solar plexus chakra

Heart chakra

Throat Chakra

Third eye chakra

Crown Chakra

seven chakras chart

Are you looking for a complete, beginner- friendly chakra chart to quickly start your chakra learning ?

You are in the right place !

In this quick post, I decided to create some amazing and well-researched chakra diagrams and charts for you.

I believe chakra charts are the easiest way to learn about chakras.

They usually contain all the necessary information about the chakras in one place, which is ideal if you are new to this area.

The colorful chakra diagrams, charts and graphs will definitely save you time if you don't feel like reading long and complicated articles or books about chakras.

Chakra charts will also quickly improve your knowledge of the 7 chakras, especially if you are a visual learner and like to have all the information in sequential order.

So, what are the characteristics of a good chakra chart?

A complete table should include the following details:

  • The name of the chakra.
  • Chakra location.
  • The color of the chakra.
  • The Sanskrit names (this is an ancient and liturgical language) of all the chakras.
  • Meaning (you can learn the meaning by translating the Sanskrit name).
  • Element associated with all energy centers.
  • Functions of each chakra.
  • Basic sounds of each chakra.
  • Affirmation to activate it.
  • Symptoms of chakra imbalance (blockage).
  • Some creative ideas on how to unblock each chakra.

Les pierres correspondant aux Chakras

Il est largement admis que certains cristaux et pierres contiennent une énergie vibratoire élevée, qui peut vous être transmise et rétablir votre propre équilibre énergétique. Trouver les pierres qui correspondent au chakra que vous voulez soigner.

Chakra Chart: Basic Principles

Let's start by looking at the basic chakra chart with all the essential information (if you are on mobile, please swipe left to right to see the full chart):

Chakra symbol Chakra Name Sanskrit name of chakra Chakra Location Chakra color Chakra sound
Chakra element
1. Root Chakra Muladhara Perineum Red LAM Earth
2. Sacral Chakra Svadhishthana Sacrum Orange VAM Water
3. Solar Plexus Chakra Manipura Solar plexus YELLOW RAM Fire
4. Heart Chakra Anahata Chest Green YAM Air
5. Throat Chakra Vishuddha Throat Light blue HAM Ether / Space
6. Third Eye Chakra Ajna Forehead Indigo OM Light
7. Crown Chakra Sahasrara Top of head Purple OM Thought

Printable Chakra Chart Guide

Below is another wonderful chakra chart, which has been designed in a similar format, that of a chart.

This particular design is gaining more and more fans on our Pinterest account at the moment!

It contains all the most essential information you need to know about the 7 chakras.

chakra chart

Healing and Balancing Chakra Charts

Now that we know the basics, let's look at the chakra balancing chart below.

It contains some of the most important information on how to work with your chakras and identify when a chakra is blocked.

Here are some of the best techniques used to unblock your chakras:

  • Affirmations
  • Mantras
  • Mudras
  • Meditation
  • Breathing
  • Food
  • Yoga and exercises
  • Essential oils
  • Crystals and precious stones
  • Sunlight

Crystals for each Chakra

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn how to balance and<b>heal your other chakras with stones</b>, please feel free to check out our other guides.

Root chakra

Sacral chakra

Solar plexus chakra

Heart chakra

Throat Chakra

Third eye chakra

Crown Chakra

Chakra symbol Chakra Name Functions and themes Balanced chakra Chakra blocked
Root Chakra Survival, anchoring, safety, comfort Grounded, secure, calm and comfortable in your body.
Fear, insecurity, worry, lack of direction.
Sacral Chakra Sensuality, Sexuality, Creativity, Sociability Able to have fun and enjoy all the pleasures of life without any feeling of guilt.
Low libido, fear of intimacy, apathy, social anxiety.
Solar Plexus Chakra Strength, Personality, Ego, Power, Digestion Progress toward all of life's goals with ease and confidence.
Low self-esteem, feelings of helplessness and weakness.
Heart Chakra Love, Acceptance, Compassion, Empathy, Kindness In tune with your heart and mind. Unconditional love for all that is.
Lack of trust and empathy. Anger and jealousy.
Throat Chakra Communication, Expression, Honesty, Purification Able to vocalize and manifest all desires with clarity. Good listening.
Unable to express himself, shy, dishonest, manipulative.
Third Eye Chakra Intuition, Lucidity, Imagination, Visualization, Clairvoyance Able to access all the gifts of the sixth sense, of intuition. Frequent and vivid dreams.
Lack of concentration, poor imagination and poor vision.
Crown Chakra Knowledge, Spirituality, Consciousness, Self-realization Connected to the divine. Feeling of oneness with all that is.
Lack of faith, brain fog, depression.

Other Chakra Charts

If you've made it to the end of this article, you can consider yourself a true chakra lover who is always looking for new ways to live a spiritually aligned life!

Before you go, take a look at other chakra charts available in our colorful store.

We have beautiful chakra posters (designed by our creative designers) to decorate your bedroom, living room, office, and charge it with positive, healing and rainbow vibrations!

Our complete Chakra guides

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn how to balance and heal your other chakras, please feel free to check out our other chakra healing guides.

Root chakra

Sacral chakra

Solar plexus chakra

Heart chakra

Throat Chakra

Third eye chakra

Crown Chakra

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