Chakra Planets
Have you ever looked up to the sky and wondered what's really up there? This is a question that humanity has been trying to answer since the dawn of time.
Throughout the ages, astronomers have recorded the celestial bodies that orbit our world in order to better understand our solar system and the rest of the Universe.
Ancient explorers paid great attention to what lies outside, without neglecting to explore the inner world and seek a connection between these two worlds.
Although astrology, which looks for signals and clues in the movements of cosmic objects, is not itself a science, there is a long tradition in many cultures (Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks) of looking at the stars, and to create natal charts, predict the weather and prepare for natural disasters.
In astrology, each planet is believed to reflect a particular set of attributes and characteristics, and govern a specific aspect of our lives.
The same theory applies to the 7 major chakras in our system - each chakra governs a different aspect of our personality and consciousness.
In this article, we will try to find a connection between the attributes of the planets of the solar system and our chakras.
Chakras and planets

There are many charts with chakras and corresponding planets available online (and in different publications), but few of them explain the reasons for these pairings.
We all have the same 10 planets in our natal chart (birth chart), but depending on your zodiac sign, they will manifest in a completely different way.
All of these planets pass through different zodiac signs as they pass through the sky, and their energy manifests differently depending on which sign they are in.
Y ou're probably familiar with the names and positions of the planets in our solar system, but let's quickly refresh our memory.
Starting from the Sun, there are 8 main planets in our solar system:
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- March
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
Both the Sun and the Moon are called planets in astrology, and they are referred to as the "luminaries." Of course, in the astronomical sense we know that these are not planets (the Sun is a star). However, they are going to be included in the final “chakra-planet” chart.

The planets of the solar system can be classified into three groups, based on their energetic properties:
- Active Male Group (Yang): Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto.
- Passive feminine group (Yin): Moon, Venus, Saturn, Neptune.
- Neutral group (De): Earth, Mercury, Uranus
The chakras of the human body can be classified in the same way, and divided into 2 groups:
The masculine chakras (the odd chakras):
- 1st chakra: root chakra
- 3rd chakra: solar plexus chakra
- 5th chakra: throat chakra
Feminine chakras (even chakras):
- 2nd chakra: sacral chakra
- 4th chakra: heart chakra
- 6th chakra: third eye chakra
Each planet (and each of our chakras) also has a different color associated with it. However, it is important to remember that when we look at the wonderful photos of the planets in our solar system, we may actually be looking at false colors, and many photos are taken through special photographic filters.
Root Chakra – Mars
Mars is the planet that belongs to the group of active men, and it is very often called the "red planet" (the color of the root chakra is also red). Mars reflects humanity's survival instinct, which is a primary function of our root chakra. In astrology, Mars rules our sexual energies.
Sexuality is actually an area of our sacral chakra, but the root chakra is where our kundalini (life force) shakti remains dormant, waiting to be released. Mars has a fearless, physical and active energy, which corresponds to the root chakra's need for courage and physical grounding.
Sacral Chakra – Venus
Venus is a feminine planet, which represents love, relationships, joy and pleasure.
Venus determines how we think about love, how we feel about our relationships, and how we respond to our needs and those of others. The sacral chakra corresponds perfectly to this planet.
Sensuality, sexuality, emotions, and the pleasure we get from our relationships (and daily life) are some of the main functions of the sacral chakra. To cultivate a healthy sacral chakra, you must awaken your inner love goddess (Venus) and appreciate all the pleasures, as well as the beauty of this world.
Solar Plexus Chakra – Sun
The Sun belongs to the masculine group of astrological planets, and it represents our ego, our identity and our personality. The sun perfectly matches the strong, goal-oriented energy of our yellow solar plexus chakra. The sun refers to our strength to face the demands and challenges of daily life.
The golden glow of the sun is a life force that imbues us with power, vitality and determination to pursue our goals. With the help of the solar plexus chakra and the fiery energy of the sun, all our dreams and desires can manifest outwardly.
Heart Chakra – Moon
The Moon is a feminine astrological planet that represents emotions, passion and beauty. It represents and symbolizes the unconditional love of a mother for her child. The Moon also symbolizes our unconscious and acts as a mediator between the inner world (the superconscious or higher self) and the outer world (the conscious or ego).
The heart chakra has a similar role in our chakra system, as it acts as a spiritual bridge between the lower 3 chakras and the upper 3 chakras.
The heart chakra is the spiritual core that allows you to develop a caring relationship with yourself and others by fostering kindness, empathy and true love.
Some other charts also associate Venus with the heart chakra. The main difference is that the loving energy of the heart chakra is pure and unconditional, whereas Venus is a planet of pleasure.
Throat Chakra – Mercury
The throat chakra is closely related to Mercury, which is a planet of communication and self-expression. Sometimes Mercury appears to be moving backwards in its orbit. This event is known in astrology as "Mercury Retrograde", and is believed to negatively affect all communication, negotiation and agreement between people.
A balanced throat chakra will allow you to express yourself with clarity, authenticity and honesty. The throat chakra holds the unique key to unlocking the gift of authentic voice and the ability to speak the truth.
Third Eye Chakra – Saturn
Saturn is a dark blue feminine planet, often called the planet of karma. Saturn symbolizes the human being who has learned all the hard lessons of earthly life and is eager to join the world of mysterious planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, which are invisible to the naked eye.
The third eye chakra is our main portal to moving beyond duality, beyond polarity. The energy of the 6th chakra invites us to transcend the limitations and restrictions imposed by the planet Saturn.
Crown Chakra – Jupiter
In Greek mythology, Jupiter is a planet of expansion associated with Zeus, who was the king of the gods. The crown chakra is also known as the king of all chakras, representing the state of higher consciousness and enlightenment.
Jupiter's energy encourages us to find meaning and wisdom in our lives. The crown chakra connects. Both Jupiter and the crown chakra are symbols of infinite knowledge. The crown chakra helps you feel oneness and divine unity with all living beings.