• Take the pressure off: using crystals for dating

    Take the pressure off: using crystals for dating
    Although we women love the ritual of preparing for a date — putting on makeup, doing our nails, choosing the perfect outfit — the act of preparation sometimes adds a dose of stress. It's as if we accumulate things believing that everything must go smoothly. Whether you feel pressure from family or friends to hurry up and meet someone, or you put that pressure...
  • Well-being in the workplace: Transform your office into a sacred space

    Well-being in the workplace: Transform your office into a sacred space
    As wellness permeates more and more aspects of our lives, it's time to look to the office and make the workplace more supportive of our overall health and well-being . When your busy, stressful work life is taking a toll on your mental or physical health, or a coworker's negative energy is wearing you down, your office can be a sacred space where you...
  • Third Eye Chakra Stones: 15 Essential Crystals for Ajna

    Third Eye Chakra Stones: 15 Essential Crystals for Ajna
    Stones for the third eye chakra are amethyst, lapis lazuli, labradorite, sodalite, azurite, black obsidian, citrine, clear quartz, iolite, lepidolite, stone of moon, purple fluorite, black tourmaline, kyanite and turquoise. They help remove blockages and connect us to our inner wisdom. Understanding the Third Eye Chakra/Ajna Located in the center of the forehead, the third eye chakra (also called Ajna in Sanskrit) is the...
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